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Y/n's p.o.v.

I felt exhausted.

The clicking of my crutches continued, but all I wanted to do was sit down, even though Ethan insisted we make it to the cherry blossom tree, and sit at the bench under that. So of course, I agreed.

"And here we are!" Ethan said excitedly. I then paid attention to the beautiful bright pink tree that stood in front of us. I smiled, and glanced over to Ethan who was looking down at me with a smile.

"Ethan, this- this is beautiful!" I say in shock. I crutched over to the bench that stood under the tree, and I sat on it, Ethan sitting beside me.

"You can thank Tyler for finding this place a while a go"  Ethan states. I smiled to him, and hugged him on the side.

"I'm glad that I crutched the extra long way to get here" I mumbled. I glanced up to Ethan and he was smiling down to me. His dark brown hair shined in the light, and his green eyes glimmered.

His face sat close to mine, and I swear it seemed like the perfect moment to kiss.

Ethan looked into my eyes, and I looked into his. It seemed almost mutual, the feeling of course. It was like I was dreaming, as I felt my body lean in, Ethan's body leaned in too. My eyes fluttered shut, as did Ethan's. Our lips grazed touch, and I could feel Ethan pull in for the real kiss.

His soft lips perched against mine, my hands slipping from the grip of my crutch to around his neck, and his hands pulling from his pockets to around my waist.

It was soft, it was gentle and it felt amazing.

It could have lasted forever, until a blood curdling scream filled my ears, making me jump back in fear, and look around at who was making the scary sound. My eyes landed on another girl. She had brown curly hair, and a hazely-blue eye colour. She looked terrified as she stared at Ethan and I with one hand slapped over her gaping mouth, and a phone in her other hand, pointed at us.

"YOU'RE KISSING ETHAN!" She screamed loudly. I gave her a confused look, as to why some random stranger would care if I was kissing a boy I liked or not.

"AND I HAVE PROOF!" She squealed, holding her phone tightly in her hand.

Now that I think about it, is this one of Ethan's fans? I glanced to Ethan who's face was in shock, and unhappy. "What's going on?" I whisper to Ethan.

"Uhm.... I think that's an unhappy fan" Ethan muttered. The fan did not look happy with me, or Ethan for that matter.

"Everyone's gonna know you kissed a low life crippled girl!" The woman screamed.

"Hey! She's not a low life girl!" Ethan said back.

"You're gonna be exposed!" The girl yelled, before running off. I looked frantically up to Ethan, who looked enraged. Do I really want the fact that me and Ethan could be in a relationship... Out to the world? I'm not so sure...

"Uh... I'm sorry y/n..." Ethan said unhappily.

"It-it's fine I guess" I mumble back, though still think that I didn't really want everyone to know what happened.

"It's just... I was uhh... I was going to ask you out today, like if you wanted to be my girlfriend" Ethan suddenly confessed. I stared to him with shock.

"R-really?" I ask.

He nodded. "I know it sounds stupid, and you probably don't want too bu-"

"Ethan, that's crazy, I would love too!" I cut him off. He paused, and stared me in the eyes.

"What, really?" He asked. I nodded, and felt Ethan pull me into a strong hug, and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

Is this what love feels like?


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