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( Top photo is what Barney looks like ;o )

~2 Days later~ 

y/n's p.o.v.

Barney keeps limping, and it's not getting better.

He doesn't jump up onto the couch, and yelps in pain every time he does. He never runs up to me in excitment when I make it home from doing something, and when I give him food, he barley even wants to eat it.

Barns is my back bone and I can't imagine life without him. He is my most favourite thing in the world, and if he is hurting, I want to do everything I can possibly do to make him stop feeling pain.

So I'm bringing him to the vet.


Upon entering the vet, I hold Barney in my hands tightly, and walk up to the desk. "Hi, could I get an appointment for my dog Barney?" I ask the receptionist sweetly. She glared up at me through her glasses and smiled.

"Of course dear! Your name?" She asks back.

"It's uh... y/n, y/n l/n" I reply. She nodded, clicking away at her computer and typing something, before clearing her throat and bringing her eyes back to me.

"It's going to be a bit of a wait, is that okay?" She asks. I nod in response, and go sit over by the waiting area with Barney in my arms. He seems even more agitated and in pain then before, and I really began to worry.

The bell at the top of the entrance door rung, and I glanced up to see who had just entered, or left the building.

None other than Ethan, Tyler, Mark and Amy walk in. Mark was holding Chica by a leash, Amy was holding hands with Mark's other hand, and Ethan and Tyler were talking.

Barney barked at them, making me jump a bit, and making them look my way.I smile to them, but I don't wave, mainly because I've got a dog in my hands.

Mark walked over to the reception desk with Chica, while Amy, Tyler and Ethan walk over to me. 

"Hey y/n, what are you doing here?" Amy asks. I look down at Barns and look back up with a more sad expression.

"I think Barney is sick, but I'm not sure" I reply back, biting my lip nervously. She sat in the seat beside me, and Ethan crouched down in front of me.

"Awe, is poor little Barney sick?" He asks in a cutebabish voice as he pets, and scratches the top of Barney's head. Barn's tongue stuck out of his mouth and looked at ease for a few seconds, until Mark came over, and Chica butted in, interrupting their little moment.

Chica gave my hand a lick, then licked Barney and I smiled.

"What are you in for?" I ask everyone else.

"Chica is in for her flea shots and an overall check up" Mark replies. I nod at him and look down at Barney who had turned back to his painful look of sorrow.

"y/n l/n?" A lady asks.

I look up and nod, standing up and waving goodbye... well to a certain extent with a dog. But I said goodbye, and made my way into the vet's office, sitting down and placing Barney on the examination table for a doctor to look at him.

The doctor walked in, her brown, long hair in a high pony tail, and glasses pushed all the way up to her eyes. She glanced to me, then over to Barney and smiled.

"Is this Barney? The lady asks. I nod and she walked over to him, giving him a treat and scratching his head.

She turned to me, and looked down at her clip board. "So, on a more serious note.... You said that Barney is limping... not eating.. and just genuinley in alot of pain?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah, he just seems a bit.. not himself." I reply. She nodded and flipped through her clip board.

"Okay, we're going to do a few quick tests, and they're going to be urgent because... uhm well.... these are all symptoms of uh.... cancer" She stuttered.

I felt my heart stop as I look up with shock, and a bit of fear. "c-cancer?" I ask.

"Yes, it's common in chocolate labs like the one you've got, and if he's got cancer... the most we could do is put him down" He said sorrowly. 

A couple tears pricked my eyes as she said those words.

Barney is like my child. I raised him, he's mine. He's my own, he's my family, my bond, my life.

I can't just throw that all away.

The doctor, glanced over to Barney and frowned. "We can start the tests now, and we'll be able to check quickly, are you okay with that?" The doctor asks. I nod in response and she smiled lightly.

"Great, you could wait in the waiting room, if you're a bit queasy to needles and such" She stated. 

I nodded and stood up to walk out of the door, because I couldn't bear to see Barney in pain. The look in his eyes would haunt me forever if I saw how hurt he would be after the needles.

I..... I just can't.

I gave Barney a huge hug, kissing his head multiple times and whispering that I loved him over and over again, mentally praying that he would be okay.

I gave him one last pet and kissed him head one last time, before I said goodbye, closing the door to the office room and watching him through the glass door as his eyes trailed after me.

Oh God please let him be okay.

I stumbled down the hallway of the vet, and back into a waiting room, where I saw Tyler sitting. I walked over to him and said hellow, and it took him once glnace for him to notice something was up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Tyler asks, a more concerned look lacing his face.

"Uhm... uh the vet said Barney might have cancer" I whisper, feeling too much pain in my heart to talk louder than I was.

"Oh no, really? That's horrible" Tyler stated, placing a hand on my shoulder and patting it sympathetically.

"I-I don't know what I'm gonna do" I say back, just remembering that there is a chance Barney is going to be okay, and I'm just over reacting.

Soon, Mark, Amy and Ethan came out of their doctor's office, with a bounding happy Chica. They walked over to us, and of course, my sad expression caugh their attention's.

I explained to them about Barney's chance pf having cancer, and they all sympathized for me.

Ethan even offered to stay behind as moral support while Amy, Mark amd Ethan made their way home.

And I accepted that offer.


2 or so hours of me and Ethan talking later, I was called back into the office, Ethan following after me this time.

I saw Barney sitting on the examination table, his eyes laced with fear, betrayal and pain.

God, I'm so sorry Barney.

The doctor looked down at her clip board and back up to me.

"Miss y/n.... you're not going to like this news."

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