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(the picture is what the basement looks like and this chapter is long)

Anna's pov:

I was silently walking back home, it seemed like the town had fallen in a sort of stasis, silent and cold.... dead....

I was alone in the streets and slowly walking back from a school day, after I unenthusiastically taught a class of gossiping kids.

I stopped walking when I looked at a lamp post and the paper glued on it, said paper was glued on every place possible.... a missing person flyer.

Ash Blackblood, 18

light brown hair with blue highlights, blue eyes

tall, muscular, prefers wearing black

last seen on Friday the first of March exiting a bar, if anyone saw her please contact these numbers immediately

and there was a picture of her smiling happily at the camera that took it, my heart clenched painfully each time I saw this....... where did you go Ash?

I continued walking.

it's been little over two weeks now but nothing was still found, they started losing faith in finding her yet again......... just how did she vanish like that?

I opened and closed the door behind me, sighing at the sight that greeted me.

Ashlin had been emptying Ash's beer stash and she wouldn't stop drink in sadness and pain of losing her daughter after losing her husband.

I felt bad for her but I was kind of numbed by my own pain, I still took care of Jake of course but he understood something was wrong.... very wrong and didn't act like a brat he sometime got called by people, he's very intelligent for his age.

I picked up the empty and still mostly full bottles from around Ashlin and put them in the bin, I eyed the full one and chugged it down, sighing before throwing it in the bin with the others, one thing Ashlin got right was the fact alcohol helped with the pain by numbing it more.

this went on daily, waking, eating, teaching, drinking, crying, sleeping and over again, it was so monotone without Ash.

Asha and Ashton did what they could to keep the pack running but they weren't taught to do such things, Ally helped and I sometime helped too when I was feeling in slightly better mood.

s counting the days, day, night, day, night, day, night.... until today.

"Ashlin please" I took the bottle away from her before she even opened it and she sighed, it was Saturday afternoon, the house was silent like it's been for the now past three weeks.

"I just c-can't" she started crying, either she was drinking or crying but to be honest it may be better when she cries because she's not drinking.... if you understand my reasoning here....

"it's okay, we'll find her" I muttered, hugging her.... I'm also hurting but I tried to keep myself together until I could cry myself to sleep at night, I need to keep a relative sense of calm or I would fall in to despair like her.

she simply held on to me while crying until we heard my phone, I picked it up.


"is this...... Anna Clairs?" a gruff male voice said.... oh no..... I instantly turned on the recorder on my phone.... this phone call could save Ash.... well.... I hope....

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