England x Reader ~Fearless

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England x Reader

Warning-minor cursing


Your feet were hanging off the edge of the porch and your hands were folded in your lap, your face was facing the wind, watching the twisted colors of lightening in the sky. It was raining like hell and slightly cold winds were biting at your bare hands and face. You had on a pair of dark washed skinny jeans and a light grey thin jacket over a white t-shirt. People thought you were crazy for sitting out there at 5:00 in the evening, but you didn't mind. Everyone is just a little bit crazy sometimes.

Not many people understood you and the way you looked at things in the world. They didn't see what you saw when you looked at something. They saw a terrible storm you saw twisted beauty. It was written in the underlines that Mother Nature had published to happen. They didn't see how the colors left you breathless or how you could watch it for hours without feeling like the lightening was going to shock you to the core.

No one understood. Not even your boyfriend of 2 years, Arthur Kirkland. Who was also the representation of England. Speaking of Arthur, you didn't even know he had been watching you the whole time you had sat on the porch of your shared house. He let a long sigh escape his lips. Why did you keep doing this? Last time you got a cold and then you do it all over again. He didn't understand, sometimes you would sit out there for hours watching the patterns of the lightening. It was dangerous too! You could get struck by lightening! He picked up a blanket off of the nearby sofa and walked over to the front door and opened it. "Love, come in. Your going to get a cold!" He exclaimed out into the hell wrenching storm. "I don't care" you responded. As always. Arthur cursed under his breath and walked out into the storm and sat down beside you. He folded his legs underneath him and wrapped the blanket around the both if you.

"Why do you keep doing this?" He asked staring straight ahead. "Because I love it. It's beautiful," you breathed out. "Oh and don't forget cold and wet," Arthur added on sarcastically. You laughed. "Arthur I'd try explaining it to you but you'd probably think I'm crazy," you laughed again. "I think you crazy now. Sitting out in this damn lightening," he said. "Well I'm not scared of a little lightening," you stated. "Well I'm going in," he said," it's cold." "That's why you bring a jacket when you come out here~" you sang as Arthur walked into the house.

He leaned against the wall just by the door. He knew you were a little crazy, but he wouldn't have you any other way though. But he knew more than ever now that you were fearless.


So sappy. Inspiration came from my love of the rain. I could sit in it for hours. Ik it could be better but I tried and I'm tryin to get stuff up here.Sorry for any spelling errors.


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