France x Reader~ The Video

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"Bonjour, belle," France greeted you as he opened the door wider, so you could enter his house. "Hello France," you said, walking in to his extravagant home.

  You see, France had been groping you, and flirting with you nonstop here lately. In response to all his shenanigans you called him out and said he wasn't a gentleman. This in result caused you and the Frenchman to make a small bet. That if he could make you dinner and treat you politely for one night, you wouldn't call him ungentlemanly again.

   Of course you thought he would fail, simply because France (from what you've seen) isn't a all. So this should be easy to win. Right?


-----After a lovely dinner (and a few drinks) with France cause writer cannot make up romantic dating type scenes...Aka time skip-----

 You and France were sitting on his couch sipping wine. You were a little bit tipsy and France knew this. "You know France...I didn't think that you could be a gentleman," you said, giggling as he curled a piece of your (h/c) hair between his fingers.

 You looked over to him, staring into his blue eyes. Before you knew what was happening, your lips were on his in a passionate kiss. Your lips moved in sync as your hands went to tangle in his blonde locks. That's how the night began.

-----That morning because I suck at writing lemons and also sorry about the time skips...-----

 You opened your eyes to the morning light. The first thing that struck you was the dull throbbing in your head and...other areas. The next thing was the fact that you were as naked as the day you were born, and finally that you were in a bed that was not yours.

 You were completely confused...until you saw a half naked France walk into the room. "Ah, you're awake ____," He said looking at you and smiling. You had no words for a moment before you screeched," FRANCE, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!"

 He wasn't really surprised that you flung yourself towards his figure, trying to uppercut him. He swiftly dodged your blow and grabbed you by the waist. "Why are you so angry? We had a wonderful night ma chérie," he said, eyes drifting down to your exposed body.

 You blushed, quickly trying to cover yourself. You then grabbed your clothes, put them on, and rushed out of the smirking Frenchman's house.

-----A few weeks later, sorry for the time skips people-----


  It had been a few weeks after you and France...'did it', and so far nothing had come up about the incident. France backed off. He hadn't been groping or flirting with you as often and he seemed...content almost. But about what?

  You quickly checked your phone as you walked to the World Meeting (which happened to be in Paris). Turns out you had multiple text messages from all different countries. The one that stood out the most was one from America, your best friend. It read,' DUDE. WHY DID YOU AND FRANCEY PANTS GET IT ON?'

  Your face went completely blank as you re-read the text. Did...he know? You responded to the nations text with,' What are you talking about?' He texted back,' You know...Why did you and France 'do it'?'

  Your (e/c) eyes widened. Holy shit. He knows. 'Who told you?!?' You texted him. 'Dude the video is all over the web...You didn't know?'

 Anger bubbled up in you,' Video? What video?' He sent you a link,' Here it is..' You quickly went to the site that the American sent you and were horrified by what you saw.

 On the screen was you and France...doing 'stuff'. You were pissed beyond belief. Why would he put this on there?

 You quickly got off your phone and stormed into the meeting room, attracting quiet a lot of attention. You spotted France talking to Spain and Prussia and quickly walked up behind him. Spain and Prussia stepped back, slightly surprised by the amount of anger that was written across your features.

 You spun the Frenchman around to face you, his blue eyes held a hint of fear, as your fist met his face in a bone cracking punch. "Vous êtes un salaud putain France," you seethed, pushing the bleeding Frenchman back, and walking out of the meeting room.  



Belle (French)- Means: Beautiful

Ma chérie (French)- Means: My darling

Vous êtes un putain bastrad France (French)- Means: You're a fucking bastard France.

Translations are from google translate....


OMFG  I don't know why I came up with this. Please tell me what you think!


Hetalia x Reader 1 (One Shots :3)Where stories live. Discover now