Canada x Reader--Happy Birthday!

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You were excited to say the least. Today was your best friend Matthew William's birthday and you were planning him a surprise party! You had finished decorating your house and guests were arriving, while you were only anticipating one person's arrival. Matthews.

You've had a crush on the Canadian for sometime now and you figured that his birthday would be the perfect time to confess. You had tried several other times to confess, but you could never find the courage to actually do it. Everyone had arrived now, and were talking when you heard a car pull up. Matthew's car.

Everyone rushed to hide as you turned out the lights and hid yourself and waited for Matthew to open the door. You heard a car door slam and feet going up the steps to your home, and then the door opened, the lights turned on, and everyone got out of their hiding places and yelled surprise.

He stood there for a minute as everyone settled down into the party and then his face broke into a grin. He walked into the house as the music started blaring and people started to dance.

His eye immediately landed on you, and he navigated his way through the dancing crowd over to you. "H-hi," he said raising his voice. "Hey," you yelled out over the music.

'It's now or never Matthew.' He took a deep breath as he yelled out over the music," ____, can we go somewhere quieter? I need to talk to you."

"Yeah sure!" You answered, grabbing his hand (which effectively made him blush crimson), and dragging him up stairs.

"So what is it you need to talk to me about?" you asked pushing a strand of (h/c) hair out of your face. 'She looks so beautiful.'

"U-um, well...y-you see," he started, trying to get himself together. He took a deep breath and said very quickly,"IloveyouandIwantyoutobemygirlfriend."

He then turned away from you as to hide his dark red face. You blinked and were quiet for a few moments, and then you grabbed his hand and spun him around, then crashed your pink lips onto his.

He was to stunned to do anything for a moment, but then responded by kissing back and wrapping his arms around your waste. The kiss was all that both of you had wanted to do for a long time now and you were both very happy.

Soon though you had to pull away for air. After you had both caught your breath you said," I love you too, and I would love to be your girlfriend." He brought you into a hug and then you both went downstairs back to the party.


Sorry this is short! I wanted to make one for Canada's birthday and I plan on making one for America's birthday tonight and then working on my requests! So more than likely there will be two or three more updates today (probably late at night)!

Thanks for reading! Comment and vote!


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