Dead!Vati!Prussia x Child!Reader ~Vati's Little Girl

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Title: Vati's Little Girl

"________? Vhere are you?" your Vati called. You snickered. He was never gonna find you. "Are!?!?" he said looking behind one of the curtains. You held back a giggle. "Hmm....I guess not," he said.

He looked a few more places and each time he didn't find you, you held back a giggle. He finally got to the last set of curtains in the room. The only place left you could hide, and pulled it away. You burst out laughing.

"Vati, you couldn't find me!!" You giggled, your (h/c) pigtails bouncing. "No I couldn't. You are awesome at hide and seek!" Your Vati said.

"Ich liebe dich Vati," you said. "ich liebe dich auch meine liebe," he said as he picked you up and hugged you.


You shot out of your bed, tears wetting your cheeks. It was a dream. Just. A. Dream. Actually it was more like a memory. You often had these problems. Ever since your dad died, you would have these dream/memories every night. //(Your like 12-14 in the story.)\\

It had been almost a year, but you still couldn't get over it. But he was your Vati and it didn't help that you were Vati's little girl either.

You were gonna pay him a visit (which you did almost every time this would happen) even if it was nearly midnight.

You pulled on some black skinny jeans and a white hoodie, with some converse and opened your window.

Then you grabbed onto the tree that was by your window and climbed down. You walked out of the gates of your home and began the lonely walk to the grave yard.

///time skip\\\

As you neared your dad's site you couldn't help but remember all the good times.

~Flash Back~

Your Vati was fast asleep on the couch. This was your chance. You popped the lid off your neon pink sharpie and quietly tip toed toward his sleeping form.

As soon as you got close enough, you kneeled down and began to draw. Now how to start? A mustache of course!

You drew a curly mustache on his face and added a beard to go with it. Snickering, you then wrote on his forehead in big letters,'I am un-awesome."

You quietly tiptoed out of the room and back down the hall to your room. You hid your pink sharpie and not even 15 minutes later did you hear a loud,"_______!"

You burst out laughing. Your Vati came marching down the hall to your room and he slammed the door open. "You think zis is funny?" He asked. "Ja, I do. That's sort of why I'm laughing!" You exclaimed.

"I wouldn't laugh if I vere you....cause you do know zis calls for serious payback," he said smirking. Your eyes widened, but then you also smirked and said,"Bring it on zen Vati!"

~End of Flash Back~

You tried holding back tears as you stood in front of your Vati's grave, but in the end you couldn't. "Vati I-I miss you," you said between sobs,"I m-miss you s-so much."

You curled up in a ball on the ground sobbing. It hurts so much. To go from seeing him every day to never seeing him again.

You did every thing with your Vati. He was your dad and best friend all rolled into one. He taught you how to ride your bike and swim. He took you to school on your first day. He was your Vati.

You were finally starting to calm down from your sobbing fit. Even if your Vati wasn't here anymore, you would always be Vati's little girl. And nothing would ever change that.


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