2p England x Reader ~ The Baking Contest

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You grinned as you walked towards the building where the baking contest was to be held. You were a bit late, your brownies took longer to make than you thought they would.

   But being a bit late wouldn't matter because your brownies were delicious and as soon as the judges tasted them, they wouldn't mind if you were a bit late. You pulled open the door to the brick buliding and walked in, and what you saw was surprising.

   There was a man with pink hair and bright pink and blue clothes gathering containers while several bodies were spread through out the floor, some of them missing limbs. You were slightly scared, but the splattered blood and organs spewing from bodies didn't really bother you.

    Just as you were about to turn around and walk out the door, a sweet male voice said," Hello there." The man with pink hair turned around and faced you, with bright blue eyes that looked a little insane.

    "H-hello," you stuttered slightly at how oddly attractive this man looked. Sure he was skinny and a bit short with the oddest hair and eyes you'd ever seen, but....he was unique and that's not a bad thing. Right?

------Oliver's POV------

   I turned around to walk to the door, containers with left over cupcakes and body parts in my hands, and was surprised to see a girl.

  She had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She was about (your height) and had on (fav outfit). I had to admit...she was quiet attractive.

  She seemed more surprised rather than scared, which shocked me. Usually when people see me carrying containers of body parts they scream or faint, they run or try to call the police, but she didn't. She didn't even make a move to her phone whatsoever.

   I smiled," Hello there."

-----Back to Your POV----- 

  He just sort of stood there staring at you. Then asked," Would you like a cupcake?" You blushed slightly as he took an extra cupcake out of one of his containers. "Um, no thank you.." You said.

"Oh okay, poppet," he said smiling. His cheery and sweet nature (despite the fact that he was clearly crazy) began to get to you. You tried to bite back a silly grin.

He walked past you towards the door of the building where the contest was supposed to be held. You couldn't just let him go....You wanted to..see him again.

"W-wait," You said. He turned around,"Yes poppet?" "Can...can I get your number or something? I-I think we should meet up some time..." You trailed off, blushing as you looked down at your feet.

He grinned,"Oh course." You two exchanged numbers, and right as he went to walk out the door you placed a kiss on his cheek.

He went pink."I-I guess I'll see you sometimes soon?" You asked. "Yeah," He said walking out the door.


Sorry if Ollie is OOC. I really did try, and I'm also sorry how super late this is. Thanks for reading! Vote, Comment, and Follow me :3




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