Soldier!America x Reader~ No More Going Away.

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Bursts of color filled the sky as you sat on the damp grass. Booms echoed in the air as you smiled slightly remembering the man you celebrated for. He was in service, and this year, just like the last, he didn't get to come home.
 You missed him dearly, but he was doing something he loved. Serving his country. He had said before he left that if you found someone else, then be with them. He was sorry that he was keeping you waiting.
 But there was no one else. There never would be. No one could ever possibly come close to the love you two shared.
 He planted a kiss on your forehead as you two swayed to the music. "You know I missed you so much," he said, looking down at you slightly. "I missed you too Alfred," you said placing a tender kiss on his cheek and pulling him closer towards you.
 You held back tears and smiled slightly, that was the last time you saw him. He took you out dancing, which was not like him, and he told you that he loved you and he showed you just how very much he did.
 It hurt so much not to have him here. It hurt even worse, not only was it the fourth of July, but his birthday. You played with the grass surrounding you on the ground, as a red, white, and blue firework went off in the air.
 You looked up into the dark sky and watched and saw children running around barefoot in the grass with sparklers in hand laughing. You couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if you and Alfred had children.
 You sighed slightly and got up and turned around to leave the show with eyes down cast. You began to walk and looked up. That's when you saw him.
 He wore an army suit, blonde hair neat and tidy, his eyes were shining as you two made eye contact. Tears gathered in your eyes as you smiled. He was home.
 You ran to him as fast as your legs could take you towards his smiling figure. He embraced you and you wept with happiness. He was finally home. Your soldier was home.
 "I missed you so much ____," he whispered to you. "I missed you too," you said kissing him. "I have some good news," he said laying an arm across your shoulder," I'm going to be staying home from now on."
 You grinned. "No more going away?" you asked. "Nope," he said. You stood on your toes and planted a kiss on his lips and laughed out loud at the great news. It had been so long since a genuine laugh escaped your lips.
 He took you by the waist on buried his face in the crook of your neck," I love you ____." "I love you too Alfred. Happy birthday!"
  This is for America's birthday and I know it's a little late and not so good, but I tried. Hope you enjoyed! Comment and vote!

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