Dad!America x Baby!Reader ~Say Daddy

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Alfred F. Jones sighed in frustration. He had been trying forever to get his daughter to say 'Daddy'. But so far, he has had no success.

He looked at her as she sucked on her fingers and gurgled adorably. "Why won't you just say Daddy?" He asked.

The little girl giggled and bounced around in his arms. If she couldn't say Daddy, then she sure as hell wouldn't answer his simple question.

All the other country's babies had started talking or at least trying to talk. You didn't even attempt it. And Alfred desperately wanted to hear his baby girl say 'Daddy'.

He hated to admit he was jealous of the other countries, that their babies were talking at least, but he couldn't deny that he was.

He had tried everything trying to make you talk. Bribing you with candy, playing with you, and even begging you to say it. Nothing worked.

As he picked you up his cell phone went off. It was an alarm reminding him that he had a meeting with his boss. "I guess it's time to take you to Iggy's," he said.

He picked up your diaper bag with everything in it that you would need and went out to his red convertible.

He buckled you in your car seat, and you two headed off to England's house.

------Time Skip------

"Iggy, are you sure you can take care of her?"America asked worriedly. "Yes, America. I'm sure I can handle one baby," England replied.

"Well okay dude," America said handing you over to Iggy,"I'll be by to pick her up in 3 or 4 hours."

England propped you over his shoulder as he went inside and America went over to his car.

"Daddy!" England looked at you and America turned around. "Daddyyyy!" You shrieked. America's face broke into a grin as he ran up to you and picked you up. He spun you around as he laughed.

"You finally said Daddy!" America exclaimed. England didn't want to ruin the moment but he had to say it,"America your going to be late for your meeting."

"Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me Iggy," he said. "Don't call me that you bloody git!" England said as America handed you back over to him.

"Bye ______!" America said waving as he climbed into his car. "Dadddyyyyy!" You shrieked again as he drove away.

England took you back into his house as you continued chanting 'Daddy'.

"_______, stop saying 'Daddy'," England cried out after a few minutes of your chanting. But instead of listening; you continued. Much like your Daddy, you also enjoyed annoying England. Even if it wasn't intentional sometimes.


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