Read This

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   Okay guys. So I just wanted to tell you guys the following:

                   1. I got on a laptop (finally) so I might be updating more.

                   2. I would really apreciate it if you would check out some of my other stories like my poetry or scary stories that I write.

                  3. Request would really be apriciated because i have sort of run out of ideas for my one yeah.

                  4. If you have a twitter follow me at @creepypasta2211

                 5. My DA is: Masked-Girl32 (because when i do update i usually put my stuff on that site a day or two ahead of time).

         and 6. Keep voting and reading!

Thank you all so much for reading and voting! I know this was sort of boring and stuff, but thanks anyways. I plan on updating tomorrow or the next day. And also I will be going to camp not this Friday, but the next and I'll be gone for week or more and I won't be updating. Sorry about that (it was my mom's idea, she said i should be more social). Thanks again!


Hetalia x Reader 1 (One Shots :3)Where stories live. Discover now