Jealous!Netherlands x Reader~ Cutely Jealous

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  Netherland's watched the two of you talk. Spain and you that is. He wasn't angry, nor was he sad....But he was jealous. That was a sure thing.
  His green eyes watched as you laughed and chattered with the happy Spaniard. He wasn't sure how to approach the situation really. He often ignored Spain, and you had never really shown much interest in talking to him.
  Now, it seemed, that was all you cared about. The more he thought, the more he got angry.
  It was just wrong of you to associate with his enemy ((A/N: From what I've heard Spain and Netherlands are not on friendly terms, so I've used that.)). Anger bubbled up in his chest as he walked up behind you.
  Wrapping a muscled arm around your waist, he gently pulled your body into his. You looked from the Spaniard to your boyfriend, grinning at him, all the while Netherlands glared at Spain.
  If looks could kill, Spain would be dead. Netherlands had such an evil look about him, even you were sort of scared.
  Spain rubbed the back of his tanned neck, sweat dropping, he gave a somewhat awkward smile and laugh. "I guess I'm just gonna go.." He trailed off, quickly getting out of his chair, then rushing out of the now emptying conference room.
  You looked to your boyfriend, who was still glaring at the door that Spain had exited through. "Are you jealous?" The question seemed to shock Netherlands out of his glare down with the door.
  "N-no. What makes you think that?" He asked. "Well let's see. 1: You had one of those 'Omg I hate you' glares directed at Spain, and 2: Even if you didn't say it, you were practically telling Spain that you would kick his ass if he came any closer," You stated smirking.
  He blushed. "I don't know what your talking about," He said, getting his papers together. "Sure, you don't," You said sarcastically. He looked up at you," I don't," He said.
  Your (e/c) orbs stared into his as you stated," You do though, and you want to know something? I think you're cute when you're jealous." With that said, you walked out of the room. A blushing Netherlands scrambling behind you.  


Here's another update. I might be updating again tonight, it really just depends on whether I can get all my homework done...Anyways. I'm sorry if Netherlands is OOC, I haven't ever written anything about him, nor have I read anything about him. Please comment and vote! Thanks for reading~


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