Soldier!America x Soldier!Dying!Reader~ See Ya Later--Part 2

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"A-America?" you questioned, opening your (e/c) eyes. "____, ____? Are you awake? How do you feel?" he asked, as he tried to wipe his tear stained cheeks. "Just s-sore...My chest h-hurts," you said.

"Well yeah. You got shot in the chest. Don't you remember?" he asked. You though for a minute, but all you could remember was a numbing pain that had sparked in you before everything had went black. "No. Only some pain and then everything going black," wincing as a surge of pain went through your bandaged chest area.

He sighed," Maybe it's best if you don't remember. I mean, I wish I couldn't remember. It was horrible. I-I thought I was gonna lose you." He began to tear up, and within a few seconds they leaked over, pouring down his cheeks.

"Aw. America," you whispered, taking his cheek into your pale (s/c) hand. He began to sob," I don't know what I would do if I lost you ____. I love you so much." You pulled him as close to you as you could, without hurting yourself. "I love you too America," you said, tearing up some yourself.

Soon his sobs died down and it was quiet for a minute in the stale, white hospital room as America sighed with relief somewhat. "You know the doctors said you might not wake up right?" he asked," They thought you were gonna stay in that coma forever."

Your eyes widened. "I was in a coma?" you asked. "Yeah. For a few days, they thought you'd be in there permanently, because the damage to your lungs and heart was so bad," he stated looking down and grasping your hand in his bigger one.

"I was so worried," he smiled and then began to laugh," I'm just so happy that you're okay and that you're alive _____. I love you to much to lose you."

You smiled too, although you were slightly sad that you had worried him so much," I love you to America."

He grinned and looked up at you. He then leaned in and you knew his intention as you sat up slightly. Within a few seconds both your lips collided. The kiss was filled with passion as your lips moved against each other.

You pulled away for air soon though, you both with bright smiles on your face. He pulled you into him slightly as he kissed your forehead. "Don't ever forget that I love you ____," He said. " I will never forget."


I had request for this on DA and I just thought that I might as well post it while I can. Hope you enjoyed it. Comment and vote, I love hearing from you guys!


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