Prussia x Reader-- Peeps Are Banned!

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You sat at home all by yourself. Gilbert, your boyfriend, was gone for the day, doing whatever Gilberts do (pranking, being awesome, drinking beer, being annoying, etc.).

Now was the perfect time. You went to a drawer in your shared home and brought out.....a box of Peeps. Peeps were so good. You loved them, and they were one of your favorite things to snack on.

But sadly Gilbert decided that 'Peeps are banned,' because they look like his bird companion Gilbird. You of course would sneak the marshmallow snacks whenever he wasn't home.

Today was one of those days. You grinned as you bit the head off of one of the yellow birds. He couldn't stop you from enjoying them just because they look like Gilbird.

You loved his little bird even if he shit all over the place, and even on some occasions in Gilberts hair (which is one of the reasons you think it's so white).

Gilbird was adorable and he often sat on your shoulder when Gilbert would leave the little bird here when going out drinking with his two friends Antonio and Francis.

Then though, you wouldn't eat the treats. Just because they look like him and Gilbird might get the idea that you'll eat him. Not to mention that would be pretty tramatizing for the little bird.

I mean really just think, One day your sitting at home and one of your co-owner people bring out some other little friends to play with and then they eat them right in front of you. That's fucking scary.

You laughed though none the less. Gilbert couldn't stop you from eating Peeps. Ever. You'd do it in secret, and if he ever found out....well you'd figure it out later. For now your going to relax and eat your Pee-

"____?!?" You heard Gilbert slam the door shut as he waltzed into the house. You shoved the Peep you had in your hand into your mouth and chewed frantically while pushing the box of yellow Peeps under a nearby pillow.

Gilbert grinned at you as he walked into the room. His little bird was nestled down in his hair, and you could faintly hear the bird peeping in excitement as he heard you reply,"Yeah?"

Gilbert plopped down on the couch next to you....and leaned back onto the pillow the Peeps were hidden under. You forced a smile, all confidence you had for eating your delicious snack gone.

He began to speak, but then moved around trying to get comfortable. "I zhink zhere's somzhing under zhis pillow," he said sitting up and going to remove the pillow he was previously on.

His face contorted as he pulled out the smashed Peeps. "____......were you...eating Peeps?!?!!?" he looked up at you with his scarlet eyes. "Peeps are banned!!" He said. "Yeah...." you said looking down slightly.

You weren't surprised when he began to scold you. You weren't paying any attention though. As he scolded you he moved the box of crushed Peeps around trying to prove his point about how Peeps were stupid and that you shouldn't eat them.

As soon as the box was in snatched it out of his hand and ran. They were your Peeps, and Gilbert was NOT going to stand in the way of you enjoying them.

He stood still for a minute after you had raced off, but then proceeded to curse in German and chase after you.

You got to eat your Peeps after locking yourself in the bathroom, and Gilbert was mad, but he got over it.....after you...ya know....had a fun night in bed ;)


    I know this isn't a request, but I just had to do it. I really hope you liked this one, I tried to make it somewhat funny. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I shall update soon!~


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