Seven Little Letters Soldier!Dead!America x Depressed!Reader

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Seven Little Letters

Soldier!Dead!America x Depressed!Reader

Have you ever thought that with one word you can make and break someone? You can mend their heart and then break it with just one word? You can. It's happened to me.

--(Anytime I have these things put out to the side it's like just like a flashback with no picture, just voices.)

" "I'd like to see you again, I did have an amazing time tonight!" "The hero would like to see you again too!" "So is that a date?" "Hell yeah dudette! Ill be by to pick you up at seven!"


Why can't people just get along in the world? Why can't everyone just be friends and get along with one another? Because the world would be to simple that way. Wouldn't it?


"I love you Alfie" "I love you too ______"


The worst part though is that people say forever. Forever and always, doesn't always happen. Does it?


"You know I'll love you forever right ______?" "Yeah, and I'll love you forever. You know that right?" Yeah! Forever and always?" "Forever and always!"


I just wonder why people can't get along? Why couldn't they? When countries go to war, everyone's effected. The people are effected and the community is effected. People have to go. And they don't come back. Ever.


"Do you really have to go Alfred?" "Aw don't cry _____. I'm gonna miss you, but I have to fight for my country. It's right for me to do that." "I know, but I'm gonna miss you." "I'll miss you too." "Goodbye _____" "GoodBye Alfred"


Sometimes seven little letters can effect someone's life so much. Wether it be forever doesn't happen or that goodbye comes to soon...and it's a permanent fixture. It can hurt or make someone feel like their flying.

Seven little letters were the last words that were ever said. Seven little letters had always been what I had wanted to hear from someone. Seven letters can make and break someone's heart.

Those seven were the last I ever herd from him.


:< This is so short, but I tried to write something and this was the product.


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