Dad!America x Baby!Reader ~Say Daddy P2

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After four hours of you continuously chanting Daddy; England was desperate to get you to stop.

Hell! He had even tried to make you say England, but nothing was working. You just continue on chanting it.

He tried making you go to sleep and take a nap, and distracting you with toys.

So of course England was thankful when America called saying he was about to pull up in front of England's house.

England got all of your things together and picked you up, just as America knocked on the door.

He carried you to the door and opened it, and as soon as you laid eyes on America your face lit up and you once again shrieked,"DADDDDDDY!"

"There's my girl!" America said happily as he picked up your bouncing form. "Thanks for watching her Iggy," America said taking your diaper bag from him.

You had momentarily stopped chanting causing your dad to look down at you.

A confused look had crossed your face and you tilted your head questionably as you said,"Iggy?"

England started spluttering as America laughed. You quickly dropped your Daddy chanting and took up chanting Iggy, over and over again.

America was still laughing as England exclaimed,"Stop that! Stop calling me that!" But instead of listening, you kept on chanting.

"Well bye Iggy, I gotta get ______ home and in bed," America said as he began to walk off to his car.

England, still a bit upset about the Iggy chanting, huffed as he said,"Goodbye America."

"IGGGGGYYYYYY," you shrieked as you waved with your tiny baby hand. He waved back slightly smiling at your adorableness.


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