Russia x Reader --SongFic--

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Song: Echo

Singer/writer: Jason Walker

Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? Like no one cared? Were you judged by your past? Have you ever felt alone?

~Hello, hello

Anybody out there?

Cause I don't here a sound,

Alone, alone

I don't really know where the world is but I miss it now.~

That's exactly the way ______ has always felt. Like she was the misfit. She was lonely, but even through that she had love to give. And she can put a fake smile on to make people think it doesn't bother her.

~I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name at the top of my lungs like a fool

Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright

But it's never enough.~

No real friends like him. Just some non talking objects that she shares her feelings with. She puts so much effort into it to. It's almost like she's trying to make them come to life.

~Cause my echo, echo

Is the only voice coming back

Shadow, shadow

Is the only friend that I have.~

She's had feelings for him for a long time. But she's scared. Not of him though, she's scared of rejection. She feels like he's the only person that understands now, but what would it be like when she feels that she's even lost that somehow?

~Listen, listen

I would take a whisper if that's all you had to give

But it isn't, is it?

You could come and save me and try to chase the crazy right out of my head.~

She sat propped up against a tree in a sunflower field. His favorite flower. She couldn't help but let tears gather at the corners of her eyes as she thought about the rejection that could happen if she spilled.

~ I'm on the edge and I'm screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs

Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright

But it's never enough.~

_______ wasn't alone in the field like she thought. He was there. Specifically like always. He liked her and wasn't going to admit it. He didn't want to feel like the only one again.

~Cause my echo, echo

Is the only voice coming back

Shadow, shadow

Is the only friend that I have.~

She feels like a ghost sometimes out there. Like no one see's her. Like she's invisible.

~I don't wanna be an island

I just wanna feel alive and

Get to see your face again.~

He finally builds up the courage and walks over and sits down. Nothing surprised her more than when she turned her head to see Ivan...her But it so far away at the same time.

~I don't wanna be an island

I just wanna feel alive and

Get to see your face again.~

"H-hi Ivan, how long have you been here?" She asked, stuttering slightly.

"Not very long," he answered with his thick Russian accent. It's time. She can feel it in her bones. It's time to let this secret fly away. To get it off of her chest.

~But till then

Just my echo, my shadow

Are the only friends that I have.~

Her cheeks stained red. "Ivan...c-can I t-tell you s-something?" Asked ______. "Sure," he said sounding suspicious. "I-I think I l-love you," she said hiding her face.

~I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name

Like a fool at the top of my lungs

Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright

But it's never enough.~

Silence. Complete silence. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. She knew it she knew that this would happen. Now she really is alone.

~Cause my echo, echo~

Ivan felt like he was on top of the world now. Like nothing could shoot him down. This is what he had always wanted.

~Oh my shadow, shadow.~

She picked her self up off the ground. Her tears began to fall. She turned away ready to run, when Ivan stood up and grabbed her wrist. He pulled her into his chest and whispered in her ear," я тебя люблю слишком." (I love you too)

~Hello, hello

Anybody out there?~


Enjoy!! Hope you like, it actually took me about an hour and a half to write this.


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