~An Empty Always~_America x Dying!Reader_~

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The beeping of the monitor was all that could be herd. The silent tears running down his face were flowing fast as he sat by your bed. His hand was laced with yours, though you didn't know, because you were in a coma.

It had been like this for almost a year and your health kept getting worse and continued to deteriorate as the days passed. The doctor already told him that most likely you wouldn't wake up, and even if you did, you were going to die anyways.

He was tired of sitting in the same chair, in the same room, with the same chemical smell in the air, the same beeping noise, but he would never get tired of seeing you. Whether you looked dead or not. He had to see your face. The only confidence he had for you having life again was the slow steady breathing, the inhale and exhale, of your lungs. That was the only thing that kept him going. Everyday. For hours.

It hurt him to say 'I love you' anymore. It was never answered. He didn't even ask for you to just wake up anymore. He knew it wasn't going to happen. But he lived in lies now. He lived in the hospital by your bedside. He didn't want to walk away from you yet.

As he sat by your side, tears streaming, he knew that you didn't have much time left. The doctor had just told him that you probably only had a few hours. The beeping of the monitor got slower it seemed every minute. It continued to slow down and his tears fell faster.

There wasn't much time left. So he got out of his chair, kissed you lightly on the forehead, then the lips, whispered an 'I love you' (though he knew it wasn't going to be answered), and as he walked out of the room, he didn't want to be there when your monitor fell in to that flat high pitched beep of death, it was like he could feel your spirit dangling in the air. Like you were watching him leave you.

Tears still falling, he walked out of the room. The flat beep of death went off. The soul that had once been sticking to your body left. And you were left completely empty. A body with nothing in it. But you would always be remembered. An empty always to Alfred.


Short and sad. I have no comments on this.


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