Soldier!America x Soldier!Dying!Reader ~See Ya Later

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"______!" America yelled. You hit the ground screaming out in pain from the bullet puncture in your chest. He ran over quickly, dodging enemy fire. He bent over you holding back tears. "_____? _____?" He called out to your half lidded eyes. "America?" you asked.

He pulled your upper body onto his legs and gripped your hand. "Stay with me _____" he whispered. He brushed back your hair that had blood staining it. The enemy was pushing over the boundaries as the light was slowly disappearing from your eyes.

Blood began to clog your throat as a small medical team began to make their way towards you and America. He put his hand over the chest wound trying to stop some of the bleeding. Your vision began to blur and your breathing began to slow down as blood filled your lungs.

You lifted up your hand to your desperate boy friends face. "A-America," you croaked out," I love you." He began to sob. "I love you too," he said. You looked at him brushing the hair out of his face.

Your body began to go cold and limp. "Goodbye _____," he said sobbing louder. "No sh sh sh," you shushed him pulling him to your chest. "Don't think of it that way. Just think of it see ya later," you whispered as your (e/c) eyes began to go dull.

"We'll see each other again. Maybe not here, but we'll see each other again someway, somewhere, somehow," you croaked as you began to feel a numbness take over.

America looked at you and smiled a sad smile and whispered," See ya later then ____." "See ya later America," you whispered as the numbness took over and your body went completely limp.


I updated again, although this one is a bit short. I might try to update agin tomorrow or the next day...idk....Vote and comment, I love hearing from you guys!


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