Liechtenstein x Fem!Reader~ Girlfriend

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 You had never had this feeling. It was something as simple as the touch of her hands, to just her smile. It wasn't one of those simple, narrow attractions. It was love. Whatever love truly is, was, or has been. This must be it.
  You, of course, knew she would never fall for someone like you. Much less a girl. As far as you knew, Lili was straight. So that little blundering light of hope had faded to a numb feeling that left you utterly empty.
  You shifted in your seat as your teacher droned on with his lesson. Your (e/c) eyes looked up to the clock. 5 minutes of school left.
  Warmth flooded your system as your eyes caught sight of Lili staring attentively at your teacher, listening to his lesson.
  Her short blonde hair shone in the evening sun, and her small hands wrote quickly, taking down notes as Mr. Thomas continued talking. You wanted to hold her hand..
  The bell rang, signaling school was over. You quickly gathered your objects and went straight out the door to your locker. You got your bag packed and began to hastily make an exit, as Lili caught your arm,"____?"
  Her eyes stared into yours,"I really need to you. Can you meet me at the park in an hour?" She seemed upset,"Yeah. Lili are you okay?" "I-I'm fine." She walked away to fast for you to say anything else.
~~~~Time skip to park~~~~
  You were nervous. Very nervous. You met Lili many times before, you two were good friends, but she had never seemed so upset. As you strolled along, you finally spotted Lili's small figure sitting on a bench.
  Her hands were folded in her lap and her head was looking down as she fidgeted, seemingly as nervous as you were.
  You greeted her,"Hey, Lili. What's up?" You sat down beside her. "Hi, _____...." her voice cracked lightly. Your eyebrows knit together,"Lili what's wro-" "_____, I like you and I know you won't like me back." She stated in one breath, quickly looking back down again," I-I....know you don't like girls, and I just felt like it....would be wrong to keep this from you."
  She was crying. You immediately wrapped your arms around her small body. Breathless, was one word to describe you at the moment. Shocked, and utterly surprised. The happiness was overwhelming.
  "I understand...if you don't want to be my friend anymore. I just....wanted to tell you," She got up, tears still falling down her cheeks.
  You quickly stood up and grabbed her hand pulling her to you, and turning her around. Hugging her. She wrapped her small arms around your taller figure, still letting her emotions show, tears falling freely.
  She looked up at you," I'm sorr-" She didn't get to finish as you crashed her lips onto yours. It was everything you had hoped for.
  It was perfect. You both pulled away, faces flushed. "I....I like you to Lili," You grinned. "Be my girlfriend?" You asked, enter twining your fingers," Of course," she stated smiling.   


I tried to make this cute! This is my first Fem!Country x Fem!Reader that I've written, even though Liechtenstein is my favorite character. Seriously, please comment! I really need to know what you guys think on this one.


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