Child!Italy x Reader-- Little Fishes

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You opened the curtain slightly, peaking out as thunder roared and rain beat down onto the house you lived in. You heard quiet footsteps slapping against the floor, and whimpering coming from the hallway.

As you began your walk over to inspect the area, a small child flung himself at you. "Ommf," you said as you were tackled to the ground by the crying child.

"Feli? Feli? Are you okay? What's wrong?" you asked frantically, pulling the child close to your chest and sitting up. "The thunder is scary!" He exclaimed crying.

Just then a crash of thunder rung out and Feli sobbed, clutching your light green shirt in his tiny hands. You gently cuddled the sobbing child.

Shushing him, rubbing his back, placing light kisses on his forehead, all while still sitting in the floor with him. He cried harder and harder.

His small chubby face was tear stained, and honestly you didn't know what to do to calm the child down. You got up and sat in a near by rocking chair, and began to rock him.

You began to hum and Feli seemed to calm down. 'Maybe I should sing to him?' You grinned at the idea. You'd been told you were a beautiful singer, and not only that, but the singing seemed to calm Feli down whenever you did sing. 'Why didn't I think of this earlier?' You thought.

Memories flashed behind your eyes as you smiled and began to sing a lullaby your mother had sang to you as a small child.

You began," Come all you boat fisherman listen to me.

I will sing you a song of the fish in the sea."

You smiled as you remembered sitting in the boat with your father and mother as you fished on the open sea. The gulls over head, and sea lapping at the boats sides.

"The fish go to fish school and learn from a book, how not to get caught on the fishermans hook."

You had told Feli stories of your childhood by the sea, and he loved hearing them....But you had never sang him this song before.

"Heyho, don't cry, little fishes, don't cry. You'll be well, by and by."

You almost wanted to cry, remembering your parents the day they had went overboard. A storm had rocked the boat to hard....And they were lost at sea.

"Watch out little fish, they're out after you, but you can't escape away into the blue."

Feli looked up at you, he had stopped crying, but he could see you were on the brink of it as you sang him the lullaby.

"You just swim around the fishermans bait, and you won't turn up on the fishermans plate."

You couldn't help but to smile through the tears, as you remembered your parents.

"Heyho, don't cry, little fishes, don't cry. You'll be well by and by."

"Heyho, don't cry, little fishes, don't cry. You'll be well by and by."

Tears streamed down your cheeks as you remembered your parents.

"Little fishes....don't cry."

Feli reached up and wiped the tears off your cheeks, and then lightly kissed one. You smiled at him.

"No more crying alright Feli?" "No more crying....but you can't cry either." "Hahaha, I won't Feli."


 I tried, but I think Feli is OOC. Here's the link for the song


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