Dead!Dad!Soldier!America x Child!Reader~ Remember the Good Times

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You walked down the hallway, your hand lightly tracing the wall as you walked. You had a blank stare, as you really didn't know how to react to the news you just received.
 You grinned as you skipped into your Uncle Arthur's office. He said he had news about your dad. You hadn't seen your dad in nearly three years and it was great whenever you received a letter from him, but here lately they hadn't been coming.
 You sat down in a chair across from your Uncle as he looked up you noticed something, he had red rimmed eyes...Had he been crying?
 "_-____," his voiced quivered quietly as he said your name. "Yeah?" you asked, now suspicious. "Today I got a phone call about your father..." he started, but you already knew. Everything pieced together.
 The red rimmed eyes, how the letters had stopped coming from your dad..."I'm sorry ____...He didn't make it..." Arthur trailed off, trying to keep back tears.
 You stared blankly. You just didn't know what to do. It's like the whole world came crashing down on you. The tears that you expected to come and pour just didn't.
 You got up out of the chair you were sitting in and just walked out of the room.
 You looked up towards the pictures, and one specifically caught your eye. It was a picture of you and your dad on a swing set at the park, you both had huge smiles on your face, as your dad swung you up into the air.
 "Daddy! Daddy! Swing me!" you said running over to the swings at the play ground. "I'm coming squirt," he said following you as you sat down in the swing.
 He took the swing and pulled you back and then let go. You rushed forward and the wind whipped around your hair as you came flowing backwards, and then your dad pushed you higher on the swing.
 You burst into laughter as the wind rushed around you and your dad grinned.
 You looked a few more over and saw another picture of you and your dad. This time, you guys were sitting on the couch playing video games. You remembered that day! You had beat your dad while playing video games!
 "I'm gonna beat you!!!" you grinned excitedly. "No you won't!! No one beats the hero!!" your dad exclaimed while sticking his tongue out in concentration. Right after that was said, your (f/c) car crossed the finish line.
 You jumped up hooting. "Oh yeah! I beat you dad!" you said in victory, right after doing your victory dance.
 Your dad grinned as he stated," You sure did squirt, maybe one day you'll be a pro like your dad," he said," But right now, we're going to have another round, and this time I'm beating you."
 You sat back down in you previous seat then stated," Yeah right. I'll be the one beating you dad."
 You smiled faintly at the memory. Moving further down the hardwood floored hallway looking at another picture. The next picture that came into your sight was a picture of you and your dad at the zoo near the (f/a) enclosure.
 "Daddy look! Look!" You said excitedly as you pointed into the enclosure in front of you with your little six year old hands.
 "Aren't they cool?" you asked excitedly looking up at your daddy. "Yeah they sure are ____," he said grinning down at you.
 A smile slowly began to grow on your face the more you thought of all the good memories with your dad you had.
 Just as you began to look at the next picture your Uncle Arthur came down the hallway and looked at you and asked," Why are you smiling?"  
 " I was just thinking about all the good times dad and I had. I mean, dad wouldn't want us to cry would he? He would want us to think of all the good times we had with him," you said looking to him.
 He smiled slightly at you and did something he didn't often do, he pulled you into a hug. As you pulled away from the hug, your Uncle looked at you. "You're right. We should just remember all the good times," he stated and then walked off down the hallway.


This wasn't one of my requests, but I wanted to go ahead and get it written so that way I didn't lose the idea! Please comment and tell me what you think, I love hearing from you guys! Thanks for reading!


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