SongFic!Dead!France x MovingOn!Reader

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Dead!France x MovingOn!Reader

Say Something

I couldn't cry anymore. It was like my tears, the ones I had held back, had dissolved into thin air. Just like he had. I loved him so much and I would have done anything...anything for him.

~Say something, I'm giving up on you

Ill be the one, if you want me to Anywhere I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you.~

I felt empty without him. His presence. I never thought I would fall in love with someone like him...but I did. And I fell hard. But without him...I feel lost and utterly confused.

~I'm feeling so small

It was over my head

I know nothing at all.~

I never really saw myself falling in love in fact. And it was like I was a child again. I had shut myself off from falling in love. And I had to learn how to love him. No matter that he's gone...I don't regret loving him.

~And I will stumble and fall

I'm still learning to love

Just starting to crawl.~

I just wish I could have been there to see him take his last breath. Not just get a letter in the mail saying that my husband died during battle. I would do anything just to have been there to hold him and comfort him as he left the world.

~Say something, I'm giving up on you

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

Anywhere I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you.~

I would have gave up anything for him. Anything. My pride, my whole heart, my home, and my life. I loved him that much.

~And I will swallow my pride

You're the one that I love

And I'm saying goodbye.~

I set the roses on his grave and turned around, my ground-length black dress swishing on the ground. I've dwelled on this for long enough. It's been almost five years. I have to move on. He would have wanted that for me.

~Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

And anywhere I would've followed you (Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh)

Say something, I'm giving up on you.~

It's time to get over the past. Start fresh. But no matter what I will always love him. When I said 'I do' and 'Forever and always' i meant it.

~Say something, I'm giving up on you

Say something......~

I took the ring off my finger and slipped it into the pocket of my coat. I patted it once and flashes of memories flooded through mind. I smiled and whispered," Forever and always Francis."


OH MY GOB. Why do I write such depressing things like seriously?!?!?!? Anyways if you haven't heard the song Say Something by A Great Big World...IT IS AMAZING!!!! You must watch the Vevo music video!!


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