What happened..

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They were alone...

alone for years that is...

feeling empty ...

going crazy ...

it's been years since they left. only one note was found that day.

they didn't mean it

it all just happened so fast

they told them to not do it

but they had too anyways and now...

they were gone forever.....

Superhero's falling in love with Villains, crazy right?

and Villains falling in love with Superhero's...Insane right?

They changed for them, falling in love makes a person do crazy stuff, so they change being good to be with them.

Being a leader and commander was hard, she had to be strong and take responsibility to lead the team, her bestfriends who were also her sisters.

"Dear Brick

I'm sorry I'm doing this to you, I have too. being a leader I have to take actions and responsibletly, It's crazy how we both fell in love with each other and how you changed for me, this might be the last time I'm going to be writing you this note, even though you told me I shouldn't do it and I promised you, I just couldn't, please take care of Brake , I love you brick jojo, I always have since the moment you grabbed me and kissed me, I knew you were the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, your such a great husband and father. Please don't change when I'm gone, but don't worry I'll come back soon...I promise.

goodbye brick"

Tears were on the paper from her, that was the last note he ever got from her.

He remembers that day clearly, he rushed out of the houses going to the lair where all the inventions and weapons were.

He yelled her name him going crazy, soon his brothers were their too rushing to find them, they also got the note.

when he got there.

They were already holding hands and got in the machine, tears were all scrolling down their face.

'The machine was deadly, but it was a risk somebody got to take, with someone or more it could be shutdown from the other side of the world meaning a portal, but it might not work and they could end their lives, it was the risk they took to save everybody'

He remembered the Professor told them

He told her to not do it many times, but she kept telling him she had too, last time she mention it he grabbed her arm roughly and looked at her eyes as his eyes glowing bright red of anger "I said No, Blossom" and walked away from her.

She couldn't leave it alone the fact of the town or the world being in danger and nether did her sisters.

They also got yelled at by their husbands.

"I TOLD YOU NO BUTTERCUP SO SHUT UP!' he yelled at her, she glared at him and walked away from him making him frustrated putting his hand on his hair going throw it with his fingers, "Why does she always got to do this, why can't she understand for once" he whispered worried

"Boomer, please I have too. I can't leave this alone, I just hav-" he interrupt her "I said no bubbles now stop it, get the milk bottle for the baby now, so I can start working on the project that brick told me I had to finished"

she stared at him with sadness, he turn his back looking away from her with a serious face walking away.

But look at it now, they still did it anyways because they were hero's it was there job to save the world, it was a risk, the pink leader open her eyes and saw the love of her life staring her with wide eyes scared, he ran to the stop button.

"BRICK!" she yelled his name

He was too late.

Everything blew up

Black smoke was everywhere, their was nothing but pieces of the machine broken.

His eyes were wide, his hands started shaking and couldn't hear anything around him. he lost her. He didn't know how to feel, his heart just stopped.

How could she do this to him? when she knew he loved her and couldn't live without her and their baby son.

The Ravin Hair brother smashed the walls around him tears went down to his cheek

"BUTTERCUP!" he yelled anger rising him and with sadness tears coming out of his eyes

While the Blonde Hair brother fell on the ground crying his eyes out, not holding it back at all what he was feeling. He kept whispering her name over and over like he was going crazy.

Ever since that day, they never talked about it and promised each other they were going to rise their sons well and take responsiblety

Everything they had a picture with of the girls who they fell in love with were hidden somewhere to not be shown in the house or anywhere else .

Brick...he became cold hearted

Boomer....he became serious making him to never smile again or laugh, showing no emotions inside and out of him.

Butch....He was silent and strict, took everything seriously, he wasn't his goofy and wild self anymore.

They missed them, but they had to forget them.

To Be Continued

We Been Alone For YearsWhere stories live. Discover now