A Day At Sea

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Aquamarine had spent the day getting his sailboat prepared for a little trip out. It was just going to be him on the ocean for the day as he already asked Sunstone and Obsidian if they wanted to go and they declined. White Moonstone though seemed to be off with his human friends for the day. Not a cloud was in the sky today and having some time to himself was never bad. He slipped into their shack on the beach and grabbed a pair of binoculars. It was the right season to go whale watching too and he decided that he might as well try and see some of the large mammals. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Moonie standing there with what looked like a bag of food and a big smile on his face.

    "So when are we heading out," White Moonstone asked.

    "Heading out?" Aquamarine said confused.

    "Yeah, you got the boat out so I figured we're off to go sailing" He grinned.

    "Oh well I thought you were off with your friends Moonie," Aqua said. It wasn't that he didn't want White Moonstone to come along he was just caught off guard.

    "No once I saw you get the boat ready I went and got food for the trip"

    "Well I was just gonna grab these and head out, are you ready or..."

    "Yes I'm very ready" White Moonstone interrupted with the unwavering smile.

    The two gems got up onto the boat and set sail into the ocean. For Aquamarine being at sea calmed him from all is normal worries and of course having one of his best friends along didn't hurt. The waves weren't too choppy and just the right amount of breeze was in the air. Aquamarine was having fun just enjoying the day and basking in the sun. He looked over at his friend though to see his head rolled back. White Moonstone let out a groan of boredom and crossed his arms like a child.

    "Aquaaaaaa I'm so borrrrrrred" he dragged.

    "Moonie sailing is about relaxing and taking in the scene" Aquamarine tried to explain.

"Yeah but there's nothing to do" The younger gem stated.

"Well, how about you take the binoculars and see if you can see any whales out" Aquamarine tossed him the binoculars.

"I guess" White Moonstone grumbled.

For around an hour or so their boat kept gently bobbing in the water. Aquamarine sat completely relaxed without a single care in the world. White Moonstone had been going on and off looking through the binoculars to try and see any whales. He had no luck and was on the verge of giving up and just sitting there bored to death. He opened his bag of food and starting snacking on some chips he had brought along. He flopped onto his stomach and decided he'd try for one last time to see anything out on the horizon. He lifted the binoculars to his eyes and then something caught his eye. He looked closely and saw a whale return to the surface for air.

"Aqua, Aqua, look!" White Moonstone yelled shoving the binoculars into his friend's hands.

"What did you see a whale" Aquamarine asked.

"Yeah look he's out over there" He pointed excitedly.

Aquamarine looked to see exactly what White Moonstone had seen. A large whale coming to the surface to catch its breath. He smiled brightly and the two gems took turns looking at the creature so far off. As the whale slowly got past their line of sight White Moonstone turned to Aquamarine.

"Thanks for bringing me out, I always love hanging out with you" He smiled

"Of course Moonie, how could I say no to my best friend" Aquamarine smiled back gently back to his friend "You know I have an idea to make this trip even better" He smiled mischievously.

"What?" White Moonstone asked.

"Let's fuse," Aquamarine said gently grabbing White Moonstone's hand. The biggest smile appeared on White Moonstone's face as he nodded furiously.

The pair stood up and began to dance. Aquamarine always leaning to be more elegant in his moves compared to his friends' sporadic movements. He couldn't help himself though when White Moonstone took his hands and started jumping up and down with him. Happiness flooded his body and Aquamarine got carried away and excitedly jumped around with his best friend. Love filled his mind thinking that this one gem understood the simplest things that could turn him into a mess of energy. The two got close and were beginning to get enveloped in light. White Moonstone pulled his friend into a tight hug and what used to be a pair of loving friends became a tall gem with eyes that seemed to glow with pure enjoyment. Blue Moon Quartz just laughed happily and fell onto her back and laid on the boat enjoying being themselves.

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