Beach Closed

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 Obsidian and Moonie stood out in the heat hammering a sign into the sand. In red painted letters it read "Beach Closed, No Trespassing". Moonstone had planned to have Dougal over for a visit, but after an unexpected turn of events Chrysoprase was here and Moonie had no intention of Dougal meeting him. Moonie's hammers dissipated into light as the sign was firmly in the ground. Obsidian and him exchanged looks and turned to head back to the shack.

"Hey, Moonie what's going on" White Moonstone could hear Dougal yell. He turned around frowning.

Dougal was jogging up to them, breathing rather heavily.

"No one's allowed on the beach, we have it closed for the day," Moonie said.

"But we were going to go have lunch together," he said.

"I know but, you really don't want to be here right now. We don't even want to be here" Moonie tried to explain.

"I don't understand why" Dougal inquired.

"It's just that..." Moonie started. "There's someone here you don't want to meet"

"Who?" he asked.

Obsidian leaned in and whispered. "Chrysoprase" Dougal looked confused.

"Is that Sunstone and Aquamarine?" he asked. Moonie and Obsidian nodded.

"I don't see what's so bad about that"

"You don't understand Dougal, Chrysoprase is a monster. You know how many times he's yelled at Obby" Moonie said. "We're closing the beach so no one has to talk to him"

"Boys who's that you're talking to," Chrysoprase said from the door of the house.

"Dougal just came to visit but he's leaving right now" Moonie yelled back.

"He's our guest Moonie, he has to stay for lunch," Chrysoprase said.

"Okay, Chrys," Moonie said. Dougal looked over at Chrysoprase, he didn't seem to be mean at all. He was also going to be having lunch with Moonie still so a win win for him.

The three of them walked into the shack to see that Chrysoprase had made turkey sandwiches for everyone. They all sat precariously placed all around the plate, looking as though some of the sandwiches would fall off the pile. Moonie sat down in between Dougal and Obsidian. He gently placed his hands on his lap and waited for Chrysoprase to tell them to eat. Dougal smiled nicely and Chrysoprase who seemed to be pleased to that guest was here.

"I'm so sorry for the boys trying to kick you off the beach," Chrysoprase said. "They're so silly sometimes," He said with a smile.

"Oh it's alright Chrysoprase, it doesn't bother me," Dougal said. Chrysoprase turned to Obby and Moonie intensely.

"Well these sandwiches aren't going to eat themselves," He said turning back to Dougal.

Dougal was the first to grab a sandwich and started eating it quickly. Obby and Moonie wanted to grab one but they knew better than to grab one before Chrysoprase got his first one. Chrys seemed to take his time, hovering his hand over the large plate in the center picking the perfect one. Leisurely he grabbed one and took a small bite of it. Moonie and Obby grabbed theirs and ate it slowly. During a regular lunch Moonie would be loud and talkative but today he sat there quietly. Dougal turned his head to look at the two of them to see them looking pensive and worried. He was already onto his second sandwich and started to slow down to match everyone else's pace.

"So Dougal, are you happy to see another fusion today," Chrysoprase asked looking at him.

"Yeah it's always nice to meet fusions I've never met before," He said smiling.

"Well I'm glad I could make your day more exciting," Chrys said. Dougal nodded and went back to eating.

"Boys you've hardly talked at all today," Chrysoprase said giving them an intimidating stare.

"We're just feeling tired from today," Moonie said softly.

"It's pretty hot out there," Obsidian said. Chrysoprase just nodded at them.

The rest of the lunch continued like this. Awkward exchanges between the four of them sitting there and slowly eating sandwiches. For Moonie and Obsidian, it was torturous to sit there knowing that right when Dougal left they were going to get yelled at for something. Staying silent was the best way to avoid any of that and hopefully, Chrysoprase was feeling nice today and would lay off them. Dougal could tell the atmosphere in the shack was different but Chrysoprase had been treating him kindly. He seemed to be interested in what he had to say and held nice conversations with him. Dougal stood up and thanked Chrysoprase for the lunch and said that he had to head back home to get ready for work later today. Chrysoprase walked him out and gave him some sandwiches to take home.

Once he walked back inside though he swept his hand across the table knocking the plate to the floor. It hit the ground shattering into pieces. Moonie and Obby tensed up as he did this.

"I know you two were talking shit about me when Dougal was standing out on the beach" Chrysoprase yelled. "You think I didn't see that sign you made to tell people off"

"We thought that maybe you'd want some privacy on the beach," Obsidian said softly.

"Don't lie to me" Chrys yelled slamming his fists to the table. Moonie bit the inside of his mouth nervously.

"I want both of you to clean up all of this crap and go to your fucking rooms," Chrysoprase said lowly at almost a growl. Moonie and Obsidian nodded quickly and went straight to work on washing the plates and cleaning up the shattered bits on the ground.

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