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"Gerard, Gerard!" Frank shook my shoulder, i zoned out again.

"S-sorry, did i zone out again?" I stuttered. Frank nodded.

"Did you take your meds?" He asked, looking concerned. I shook my head.

"Do you have them on you?" He asked. I nodded and flung my bag of my shoulder. I crouched down and unzipped it. I pulled out the small container and my water bottle.

I placed the 2 pills in my mouth and gushed them down with a gulp of water.

"Come on Gee, you'll feel better by the time we get to school," Frank explained, helping me up.

"Frank, th-they'll know," i stuttered, holding back tears.

"You look pretty masculine to me, i would think you were a guy, i'm not just saying that," he assured me. I smiled,

"You think i look masculine?" I had a huge grin on my face. He nodded and smiled.

About a minute of talking, Frank pulled out a cigarette and the lighter i got him for his birthday, it was black and was decorated with orange flames. He brought the flame to the end of it, lighting it.

After a few drags, he offered me a smoke. I gladly took the offer.

I breathed in the nicotine and watched my doubts float away as i exhaled.

"Put that out before a teacher sees you," Frank informed me. There was an ash tray outside the door so i flicked the bud into it.

I pushed open the doors, revealing hundreds of students yelling and walking through the halls. Anxiety rose in my stomach, put quickly went away because of the pills.

"We have the same roll class, Gee!" Frank squealed, looking at my schedual.

"We do?" I squealed back.

"Our gay is showing!" Frank laughed. Damn, Frank is always the best person.

"Well, we should get to class," i suggested. We weaved our way through the sweaty crowd of students to find room 21.

"The teacher, Mr. Howell, hes really cool, hes only like 22. Oh, and he likes memes!" Frank explained, a teacher that likes memes? Wow!

"Hey guys come in!" A very tall, pale man wearing all black insisted, unlocking the door. I assumed that was Mr. Howell.

"Um, the new student, is that you?" He asked me when everyone else except Frank and I went inside.

"Gina?" He asked, looking up from the peice of paper.

"Um, c-could you call me Gerard?" I nervously asked.

"Definitely!" He smiled.

"Do want me to tell the administration to put your prefered name down?" He added,

"You can do that here?" I excitedly asked. He nodded and smiled

"C-could you please do that?" I asked, still smiling and walked inside.

you are a boy - frerardWhere stories live. Discover now