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Frank and i walked to the bathrooms, i held his hand in mine and stayed close to him.

As soon as we walked in i realised there were 2 other guys in there, fixing their fckboy hair.

"Hey, whys the tranny in the guys bathroom?" One of them yelled. I slowly backed away, Frank grabbed my arm.

"Because hes a boy!" Frank fired back, i could hear the anger at them in his voice.

"Its not a boy!" The guy yelled, stepping towards Frank.

"How dare you call him 'it', hes a boy and i love him. If you cant accept that then keep it to yourself, instead of bringing other people down because you think you can!" Frank yelled before grabbing him by the shirt and pushing him out of the bathroom.

"Frank!" I gasped, ive never seen him so mad at anything.

"I-i just, i d-dont know, h-he was hurting you a-and i couldnt just stand there," he sighed.

I stood there staring at his watery eyes and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Its okay," i sniffled, his grip tightened.

"I love you so much, you donf even know," Frank half-sobbed.

"I love you too," i replied, letting go of him.

"Wanna skip?" I asked him, he nodded and we walked out of the bathroom.

I walked out to see Mikey flirting with Ray, like full on flirting. Ray was doing the same.

'OH MY GOD JUST KISS!' i thought, i just wanted my baby brother to be happy and with a good boyfriend after what happened last time.

Mikey was with a guy named Pete Wentz. Pete was basicslly wearing a 'perfect boyfriend' mask. Mikey thought Pete loved him and they were perfect for each other. Well, Pete slowly faded into his true personality. Mikey thought this was just a think that was just gonna go away after a few weeks.

Pete started telling Mikey he was 'too skinny' and 'you look so ugly'. This moved onto 'your worthless' and 'nobody cares about you'. And finally one day Pete hit Mikey, he hit him again and it progressed from there.

Because of this Mikey started drowning himself in alchohol and drugs to cope, even though he was only 16.

After a few months of this, Pete randomly moved cities one day and none of us saw him again. Mikey got therapy and slowly got better.

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