twenty four

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"Hey Mikes, wanna come to the mall with us? You can spend as much money as you want!" Gerard addressed, walking over to Mikey.

"W-what, really?" He asked, jumping up excitedly.

I nodded and he jumped up and down.

We walked over to my car and i unlocked the black shiny vehicle.

"Can we go to hot topic?" Mikey asked as i pulled out of the driveway.

"Hell yeah! Hot topics the best!" Gerard cheered, putting a Guns N Roses CD into the stereo.

We screamed the lyrics to Live and Let Die until we got to the mall.
[That song gives me life]

"Is the only reason why you wanna go to hot topic is because Ray works there?" I laughed and Mikey blushed deeply.

"OooooOOOOOhhhhhHHHH!!" Gerard and i mocked at the same time. Mikey crossed his arms like a child and pouted.

We walked into hot topic and went straight to the band merch wall.

Mikey grabbed a Misfits shirt, a Black Flag shirt and a Weezer shirt. He got a grey beanie and a few iron on badges.

He was really pushing the advantage of using Gerards money.

"Hey Ray!" Mikey greeted Ray at the counter a bit too enthusiastically.

"Hey Mikey, Gee and Frank!" Ray smiled. He totally had a crush of Mikey!

He scanned our stuff and we paid. Mikey spent 70 dollars! We said bye to  Ray and walked to a Starbucks.

"Whatcha want?" I asked Gerard and Mikey. I was paying because Gerard bought the clothes.

"I dont want anything," Mikey said, looking at his phone.

"I'll just go with you" Gerard offered.

We walked up to the counter. The cashier was i assumed male, but was wearing a flower crown which really suited his brown fluffy hair.

"Hi, can i please have a chai latte with extra cinnamon and an iced mocha with an extra shot?" I ordered, id memorised Gerards order because of the amount of coffee he drank.

"Sure! Hey dont you go to Belleville high?" The cashier asked. I knew he looked farmiliar.

"Um yeah! I think your in our science class," Gerard replied.

"My names Brendon by the way!" He smiled.



"Alrighty, your drinks will be ready soon!"

We walked back to the table to find Mikey staring lifelessly at his phone. Knowing him he was probably looking at memes. [mE]

"Oh hey!" He realised we were there. He put his phone in his pocket and stood up.

We started walking towards the exit, Gerard looked at Mikey with concern.

"Is mom still mad at me?" He asked, you could hear the anxiety in his voice.

"Shes been crying the whole time. She thinks you hate her and your not coming back." Mikey explained as we got into the car.

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