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"Well, i hope your happy, because im not. I hate you Donna, you arent my mother!" I yelled at her and slammed my front door shut.

My first instinct was to call Frank, so i did.

After just 2 rings he picked up.

"Hey Gee, wassup?"
"H-hey Frank, um, m-my mom kicked m-me out..." i stuttered. I heard a gasp
"Oh my god Gee, come to my house right now, you can stay with me baby!" He gasped. I blushed, hr called me baby!!

He hung up and i walked to Franks house, it was at the end of my street, thats how i knew him before highschool. We've been best friends since we were about 9.

When i walked clise to his house i realised he was standing ouf the front.

"Gee!" He squeaked and pulled my into a tight hug.

I smiled, i was shivering as the snowflakes dropped onto my face.

Frank took me inside and we walked up into his room.

"But your bags in the corner over there if you want," Frank pointed to the corner next to his sofa.

I smiled and did just that.

"I'll sleep on the sofa, you take my bed," frank smiled.

"No, no, no, you have your bed, im sleeping on the sofa!" I giggled

"No!" He chuckled, jumping onto the sofa. I just laughed and pushed his small body off.

He crossed his arms and pouted.

"Ha!" I chuckled,

"How about we both sleep in my bed," Frank suggested, i nodded and we both slid under his dark bed sheets.

We stared into each others eyes and i hot lost in his deep pools of hazel.

"I love you Gerard," he whispered, my cheeks went red.

"I love you more Frank, the only time i can be myself is around you," i let out. He smiled and buried his head into my chest.

"Promise me youll never leave me," he whispered, bringing his nose to mine, staring into my eyes again. I nodded and he moved his head back.

"Gee, can you sing for me?" Frank asked, i nodded and thought of a song.

you are a boy - frerardWhere stories live. Discover now