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"Gerard, over here!" Frank yelled from the other side of the hallway. I walked over to him, he was leaning against his locker, waiting for me.

"Theres a Taco Bell across the road, wanna go for lunch?" Frank asked. Was he asking me on a date?

"I really need to ask you something when we get there," he sounded really nervous, which made me want to go even more.

"Sure!" I cheered, a bit to enthusiastically. He smiled widely and we began to walk out of the school.

"Gee, whats that bruise from?" Frank asked, pointing at my arm. Oh no, i forgot to cover that up!

"I ugh, n-nothing..." i lied, he looked at me worried. And gave me the 'please tell me' look.

"Um, t-they found o-out..." i mumbled before breaking into sobs. Frank pulled me into a tight hug.

"T-they beat m-me up" i sobbed into the crook of his neck.

"Your a boy, Gerard, and if they cant see that then they need help" Frank laughed, rubbing cirvles on my back, still in a hug.

"Breaks over in 20 minutes, we should go get our lunch," i suggested, wiping tears off of my pale face.

We crossed the empty road and entered the resturaunt.

"What are you gonna get?" I asked Frank, pulling out my wallet.

"Um, probably a Cheesy Gordita, what 'bout you?"

"I'll get the same," i decided as we walked up to the cashier.

"Hi, can i please have two Cheesy Gordita's and two Coca Colas?" I asked the cashier. She nodded and put our order in.

"That'll be $15," the cashier said, tucking a peice of hair behind her ear.
I pulled out a 10 dollar note and Frank passed me a 5.

We got our food and sat down at one of the very uncomfortable tables.

"I owe you," Frank admitted as we sat down. I remembered that he wanted to ask me something.

"What were you gonna ask me?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh yeah, um i-i ugh," he stuttered. I really wanted to know, but i wasnt going to force him too.

"Can i ask you another time?" He looked really nervous, i nodded and started to eat.

you are a boy - frerardWhere stories live. Discover now