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"Why cant he just tell me?" I sighed, pacing around my bedroom. It was nearly 3 am and i needed some sleep, but i couldnt.

My mind wont let me sleep. I'll just get night terrors and scream then ill wake everyone up and im just a burden!

"Gina, honey, are you okay?" My mothers soft voice asked, lightly knocking on my door.

"I'm not okay, they wear me out!" I yelled. Hey, that sounds like a good song lyric, i should write that down.

"Just get some sleep okay," she added before i heard her footsteps travel down the hallway.

I had a thought,




Do it i know you want to


Do it!


After my argument with myself i walked over to my bedside table.

I hesitantly pulled the bottom drawer open and reached to the back.

I shakily pulled a bag of white powder  out of the drawer. I promised Frank last year i would never lay my hands on the drug, but Frank doesnt care about me, he would be honest with me of he did.

"Here we go," i mumbled to myself, walking into my bathroom.

"Itll take your mind of everything, youll be happy," i continued mumbling to myself, pouring the powder in a line on the rim of the bathtub.

What am i doing? What would Frank say?

Frank doesnt care about you!

Yes he does!

He does not, how could he care about a worthless idiot like you?

"You know what, your right!" I yelled at myself, bringing my nose to the drug...

you are a boy - frerardWhere stories live. Discover now