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I ran my fingers through my long brown hair. I was pacing around my room, thinking, about how i would say it.

"Hi Gerard, no"

"Hey Gee, no"

"Hi Gee, NO!"
I rehearsed out loud, how was i going to ask him?

I eyed my clock, it read 4:50 am. Damn it i need to get some sleep.

"Gina, Franks here!" My mom yelled from outside my door. I sighed and slipped on my combat boots and ran upstairs.

"Its Gerard actually," is all i said before slammjng the front door shut. I lifted my head to see Franks car parked on the curb of my house.

"Got the car today?" I asked, sliding into the passengers seat. He nodded and smiled.

"Wanna listen to some music? Theres cds in the console or the radio i dknt really care," He explained, beginning to drive towards the gas station.

I turned on the radio and some guy was talking, when he finished, i heard the first few notes of i write sins not tradgeties. Frank and i immediately looked at each other.

"Oh, well imagine as im pacing the pews in a church corridor!" Frank and i practically screamed in unison.

A few seconds later Frank pulled up ti the gas station.

"I chime in with a havent you people ever heard of closing the god damn door? Oh, were here," i laughed, Frank got out and filled the car. A few seconds later he went to pay.

It was taking kind of long, he just to pay, weird. A second later, he skipped over to the car with 2 bags of chips (or crisps, whatever). I gave him the 'seriously' look and he giggled, throwing one to me.

"It took so long because i couldnt decide between origional or salt and vinigar!" He laughed, you could tell he had something bothering him, i could just see it in the way he was talking and his actions.

- franks pov-

"Gerard, c-can i ask you something?" I asked, breaking the akward tension. He nodded.

"Well, um, w-will you..."

Frank just say it, say it!

"G-go ou- go with me to taco bell at lunch?" I stuttered. Seriously, i cant even do anything! Ugh!

"Suure.." Gerard was suspicious. He knew thats not what i was going to say. The rest of the ride was just awkward silence, i hated it.

"Can you please tell me what you where actually going to say?" Gerard suddenly asked. I sighed and looked ahead.

"I dont think im ready to yet, " i admitted. He frowned and looked at his feet. I felt so bad.

you are a boy - frerardWhere stories live. Discover now