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"How many times do i have to tell you to stop ditching school Gina?" Gerards mom yelled at him.

"My name is Gerard!" He yelled back,

"You were born as a girl, you were given a girls name so you are a girl and you cant change that!" His mom ended the argument with that and walked into the kitchen.

Gee looked at me with tears brimming his eyes. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same.

"You are a boy. Your mom is wrong and doesnt know anything," i sighed, why couldnt Donna just accept Gee?

"I have to go het get some CDs from the music store, wanna come?" Gerard asked, getting his wallet out of his pocket.

I nodded and we walked out the door. The store was still 3 blocks away so i pulled a cigarette and lighter out of my jacket. I put the stick in my mouth and brought the flame to the end of it.

I sucked in the nicotene and exhaled the grey smoke. I passed it to gerard and he gladly took a drag.

We eventually got to the music store and walked into the cold building.

"What are you getting?" I asked gee, as he looked through some discs.

"I need to get some new music, so i dont know what to get," he answered.

"Im pretty sure they have Brendons bands cd here," i stated, walking to the 'alternative' section.

Brendon is a guy from my school and he also lives next to me. Him and hs boyfriend and some other guys started a band called Panic! At the disco, theyre pretty good to be honest.

"Wait didnt they break up the band because Brendon broke up with Ryan?" Gerard asked, i nodded and continued looking.

"Is this it?" Gee asked, holding up an album called A Fever You Cant Sweat Out, by panic! At the disco.

I nodded again and grabbed a Black Flag cd and walked to the cashier.

The girl behind the counter scanned the cds. She had long black hair and was wearing deep red lipstick.

"Oh hey Linds!" Gee greeted, i gave him the 'who the hell is this' look.

"Oh, this is Lindsay, shes my moms friends daughter and shes starting at our school next week. Lindsay this is Frank, my..." he hesitated for a second

"boyfriend," he quietly said, i smiled and blushed and Lindsay giggled.

you are a boy - frerardWhere stories live. Discover now