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"Frank, Gerards here!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I smiled widely and fixed my tie.

I ran down the stairs, nearly slipping and was greeted by Gee standing in the hallway wearing a suit. I gasped at how amazing he looked.

"G-Gee, you look amazing!" I smiled, his face turned a bright red.

"You look better!" He replied, walking up to me.

"Will you two stop flirting and go to the damn prom?" My mom laughed. We smiled at each other and linked arms.

"I love you Gerard,"

"I love you too Frankie,"

We pulled up at the school and got out of Gerards car. I looked into Gerards deep beautiful pools of hazel eyes.

He stared into mine aswell, i cupped my hand over his cheek and put my other hand on his waist.

"I love you," i whispered before i pushed my lips into his. He immediatley kissed back. He wrapped his arms around my body.

He pulled away from the kiss and rested his head on my shoulder. I smiled and he snuggled his head into the crook of my neck.

"We gotta go now baby," Gerard sighed. I tried to contain my grin when he called me baby.

"Yeah, lets go," i sighed, linking my arm with his. I squeezed his hand slightly as we got to the door of the gym.

"I'll be okay, Mikey and Ray are here remember?" Gerard assured me. I nodded and pushed the door open.

A few eyes headed towards us, some were smiles and some were discusted.

"Hey, theres Ray and Mikey!" Gerard had to yell over the loudness. I nodded and we walked towards them.

I stopped when i saw some guy grab Mikeys shirt. Oh no, oh hell no, Mikey was like a brother to me. Gerard looked at me with worry.

Anger built up in my stomach, Gee grabbed my arm, he knew what i would do. I pulled away from him and stomped up to this idiot hurting Mikey.

I didnt see Ray anywhere, he must of gone to the bathroom or got drinks.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled at this guy who was now pushing Mikey into a corner.

"You talking to me, faggot?" He faced me, i saw Mikeys eyes widen.

"Yeah, now leave him alone you dick!" I angrily yelled at him.

"Why should i? What will you do?" He smirked. At that moment i clenched my fist and looked at Mikey. Mikey nodded and i threw a punch right in this guys jaw.

you are a boy - frerardWhere stories live. Discover now