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It filtered into my room and collected in a pool on my floor. I watched as the flickers came in and out of the window.

The light suddenly went dark.

I glanced out the window, but saw the sun still there, hanging in its place.

They were here.

I gathered my small pack. I had known in the past coming days that they would be approaching soon. The small amount of stuff I owned was already stored away, ready for a moment's notice departure.

I turned my head as I heard footsteps climbing up the stairs. They stopped in front of my door. I opened it to find a startled disciple. The young girl paled, and quickly bowed, averting her eyes from my face.

"Arishia they-,"

"They are here." I said calmly.

The girl's eyes widened as she fidgeted by the door. "The Elders are waiting, Arishia," she whispered.

I smoothed her cheek as I passed by her. Her eyes bulged out with the contact, and she immediately dropped to the floor, "Arishia!" She exclaimed, touched by my caring hands upon her face.

I did not stop to acknowledge her, and left her there upon the floor.

I knew where they would be. The front gate. The Gate keeper must have sent word to the high council and not me.

As I walked out the door and down the pathway, I saw many other female students making their way to the gate. I motioned for them to come to me, and soon we had a small, grim cluster.

"Arishia," some whispered, acknowledging my presence. They let me lead as we approached the gate.

The Elders were there, standing, waiting. On the other side were three men and an old fashioned carriage and horse.

I stopped and stood next to the high Elder. Turning to the gate, I faced the three men and felt my features stiffen at what I saw.

One man was moon blessed.

No. I quickly corrected myself in my mind. He had been moon blessed. The only indicator that he was not like me were the small, hard to see, blond strands in his hair, mixed in with his white. Pale blue eyes, met my own with startled recognition. He was not moon blessed though. He had let the darkness take over him, making a red ring around his blue eyes. Now his blessing has twisted into something else. Something it was not meant to be.

What a pity, I thought.

"My lady," he said, bowing low to me.

I frowned my distaste at him. He looked at the Elders and held out a paper for them to read from the other side of the fence, "I come by order of the King. Section 20 is now undergoing the Reaping. You received your verification letter?"

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