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A shock runs through my body as my eyes open. In a sudden motion, I sit up, looking to the source of what awoke me.


Someone was knocking on the door.

I knew then and there that it wasn't him. Maddox.

The name still seemed strange and foreign to me.

No, he would not knock.

I don't answer though. And slowly, the door opens anyway. I stand- readying myself for whatever laid upon the other side.

Everything gives out though when I meet a pair of sea green eyes.

"Oceane," the name comes rushed and panicked out of my lips. I'm stunned, still standing on the bed. It's only then that I register there is a pool of blood upon it.

She cries out in relief, but I yell, holding my hand up to stop her actions, "Don't!"

Surprisingly she does as I say, rooting herself to the spot of my command as she sways eagerly forward, her eyes taking in every part of me and sighing in exhausted relief.

"Don't come closer."


The name comes, half choked out of her mouth as sobs invade her, but I still hold up my hand.

"How did you find me?"

The answer to my question stood behind her.

Jonaus looks around the corner of the door, his eyes red and hand over his nose and mouth- trying desperately to not breath me in.

"Oceane you need to leave. Now."

She shakes her head, tears still falling.

Hot anger and desperation drip and well up inside me as she takes a step forward.

"Don't come near me," My voice is still steady but even I can hear the slight rise of panic that layers the back of it.

Oceane stops, eyes wide and mouth trembling as she takes me in.

"Let's go back Arishia. He won't get you if you go back to the room. Hurry, before he comes," she fearfully glances around, worry in her eyes, yet clear determination still shinning through.

I shake my head but don't tell her the obvious. It was no use. I almost wanted to laugh at her blissful ignorance. You think that door will stop him? I wanted to scream the words at her. Scream them to all the girls who laughed at the sight of blood eyed monsters and fangs of razors.

You think you are safe?


Instead I sigh and smile down to her, "Oceane, I don't want my blood to get on you. Please. Do this. For me. Go back without me."

She is already shaking her head even before I can finish, "N-n-nno."

I glare at Jonaus, "Why did you bring her here?"

Jonaus though is hunched over, his hand still stifling his senses. He is shaking.

I look at Oceane, trying hard- very hard- to keep the desperation out of my voice.

Moon. Please Moon.

Why did I still pray to her.

She wasn't listening.

"Oceane. Jonaus cannot take it any longer. He will lose himself any moment. You have endangered me by bringing him here. I am staying here because I want to be here."

Oceane's eyes widen at my words. She stills, her features going stiff as she looks up at me with clear confusion.

I laugh though, "I want to be the one who survives. So run along. Shoo," I motion towards the door, my eye catching as Jonaus's fangs slowly slide out.

"Go back to that cage," I grin down at her, my heart breaking, yet at the same time- being restored, "I'm free with him."

Oceane stumbles back a few steps, as she mutters small incoherent things.

"I..I don't...um....I d....what do you....I don't understand...."

New tears are forming in her eyes. Jonaus is rising. I can see he is slowly fading.

So I turn to her and deliver the final blow.

"You should have never come here Oceane. I don't need you. I never did. Now take Jonaus and leave."

She leaves.

I watch as she grabs his hand, and notice when his eyes shimmer back and forth between a blue and red.

Purple. A light purple.

It's eerie.

It's unnerving.

And it's what meets, and catches sight of my falling tears, as the door slams shut to my face. 

 I set up an Instagram account so if you want to get some background/exclusive sneak peaks to my works and writings, feel free to follow :) (you can find link on my wattpad bio page)

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 I set up an Instagram account so if you want to get some background/exclusive sneak peaks to my works and writings, feel free to follow :) (you can find link on my wattpad bio page)

Thank you for taking the time out of your day/night to read!

Until next time,



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