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I had been left alone now for three days.

The only company I had was the sound that night provided.




Other noises.

Other sounds from the other room.

Saint was the main sound I heard.

There were others though.

I didn't care.

So long as it wasn't me.

And so long as it wasn't Oceane.

There was something about Oceane that made me feel protective. Attached. Maybe because of that first month we had been able to spend together.

We had, in the face of darkness, been able to forge a bond from the evil that rested outside our doors.

We had stuck together and became use to the other.

I had never had such thing as friendship at the Temple.

No. People did not want to be friends with me.

They wanted my attention. They wanted my blessing. My light.

But not my friendship.

Looking back- I think Oceane is my first friend.

Or at least- is the first person whom I can consider close enough to obtain that title.

It had always been the Moon and I.

Her powers had created a sort of barrier between me and others. I knew I was separated.


Alone in her power.

Maybe Jonaus would have helped.

If he had not given in so easily.

But he had turned himself over, and left me once again to bask in the knowledge that I was alone.


Oceane's eyes come to my mind.

The beautiful blue-green hue.

I missed her.

Sitting in the room, alone and with no noise- I use the time to mediate. To try and reconnect to the Moon.

But I feel nothing.

Not since she revealed herself to me on that night.

After that the barren pit within my soul reclaimed my mind, leaving me to wander within the darkness blind.

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