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It's an action one would associate with the feeling of happiness.

Those ones are fools.

Smiling is nothing more but a mask creatures can wear.

Wolfs of the night smile, just before they sink their fangs into their prey's neck.

And now the ultimate predator stood, smiling.

No fangs.


"Hello my little star," he purred.

I stand my ground away from him.

Jonaus is a lost cause.

He is already ensnared by the darkness, his eyes hooded and hands relaxed before him.

I don't say anything.

He takes a step closer.

And another.

Until he is standing before me, his red eyes consuming and devouring me whole.
"Jonaus. Leave."

I see conflict on his face. Almost like he is fighting.

The King's eyes darken at the sight and his hand shoots out, stroking Jonaus's face.


The confusion leaves his face as it becomes relaxed once again.

I watch as Jonaus nods, walking obediently away.

"Why were you with Jonaus my little star?"

He raises his hand, hesitating as if he is debating something before dropping it.

I can't help the sigh of relief that leaves me.

He smiles at that.

"No words?"

I take a step back, distancing myself.

"Jonaus was showing me the halls."

He closes the gap I've made, letting it become smaller than before as his perfume of death and blood washes over me.

"How interesting," he raises his hand again, but then sighs, frustrated as he drops it back to his side.

I eye it, curious as to why he is conflicted.

"What power does an Arishia hold?"

I look up and into his red eyes. They hold nothing but fascination and curiosity.

"Whatever powers the moon blesses them with."

He angles his head to the side, taking me in.

"Jonaus told me of the flower."

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