22| RED

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I need to get rid of the Red.

The days passed, and I wearily kept my eyes trained upon the inner door.

But it never opened.

Soon my time was up. The process of my monthly bleeding gone now. It was over.

I take the sheets that are stained with the color and burn them in the fireplace that adorns the room.

Food had been slipped to me, once a day. I take the chalice of water that had been given to me and use it to wet another cloth, to clean myself. Once that is done, I burn it also.

Smoke soon fills the room from what I have done, the fire large and popping every second or so.

But my dress.

I don't know what to do about my dress.

It is still stained, and I cannot burn it.

The thought of him entering and seeing me had me shivering. Modesty had been looked down upon at the Temple. Clothes were light and made of sheer material. Because, why hide what the Mother Asundra had blessed you with?

What fools we were.

I know now, that the thinking of the Temple is one full of disillusion and luxury thoughts. It was because of what the Mother Asundra had blessed me with- that I needed to hide.

The door from the outside opens just a crack and a plate is slid in. 

"Wait," I call out to whoever is on the other side.

The door stops, still the slightest of hesitation in their movements.

"I need clothes. Please."

The door closes.

I sigh and turn my eyes back to the fire.

However, several seconds later the door reopens, and a dress is thrown in, before it slams shut.

I take the clothing and sigh at the sight. Red.

A red dress.

It was something though.

I quickly replace it with my other one, throwing the stained rag into the fire.

That's how I spend my day.

Coughing from the smoke filled air and watching the fire consume whatever touched it.

It's not until later, when I feel the night hours approaching, that the door to the hall opens.

I look up and meet the blue eyes of Jonaus.

"Arishia...," he stands at the doorway, hesitating.

I continue staring at him. If he was looking for an invitation, he would find none from me. I was not foolish enough to invite anyone in.

Even Jonaus.

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