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He is different as he sits up, staring at the floor.

His eyes turn to us and I feel a gasp leave my lips.

Pale blue.

His hair though remained black.

Not Moon Blessed.

But I could detect traces of the Moon within him.

The Moon Stone that had merged with his body had left its mark.

Small silver could be seen in strands, mixing in with the midnight locks.

"Ah shit," Saint's curses continue to flow into my ears as she backs away, dragging me with her.

"Shit he's up. Shit. Your arm. Shit. Shit."

"Saint," her name weakly comes out of my mouth. I shake my head but am unable to say anything else.

The King looks up at the sound of our voices.

They widen in horror as he takes us in.

"Litt-Arish-star," he grabs his head, pain twisting onto his features.

Saint is still pulling us back, as she said every curse word in her vocabulary.

"Shhhh," I whisper, "Don't think too hard. Let it wash over you. Take time to process."

He raises his face and slowly, we watch as he turns to stare in stunned silence, at Oceane's body.

"Oceane," he whispers.

I feel surprise leak into me.

But then, Jonaus's memories were now his own- of course, he knew who Oceane was.

The two halves were whole.

But not Moon Blessed.

I wondered if the darkness had gone so far into the shadows, that the Moon could not bring herself to paint such a creature within her light again.

"Oh," he looks around the room, taking in the sight of Jonaus's open body.

"Ah shit that is pretty traumatizing," Saint whispers.

"Saint," I quietly whisper- shaking my head- bringing her attention back to me as she jumps in startled remembrance.

"Your arm!"

She rips a piece of her dress off, tying the material around what now was  just a hanging, bleeding limb.

More broken flesh.


My vision blurs in and out as I listen to Saint's angry yet shaky words, "I don't care what you are or...what you feel right now. Arishia needs help or she won't la....."

Sorry for short chapter (I'll make up for it in the next one!)

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Sorry for short chapter (I'll make up for it in the next one!)

Now, warning! There are only about three chapters left for the story (you have been warned) 

Have an awesome day! 

Love you guys ♥

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