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The flames dance within their place, casting shadows upon the King's face as he looks at me- his lazy, cat-like grin in place.

"Little Star," he raises his hand and slowly moves it towards him, "come."

I remained where I was at.

A long sigh left him as he chose to close the distance himself.

Until he stood, pressing the front of his body to me.

I look away as he lowers his head, placing a soft kiss on the mark he had branded on my shoulder.

"Be my Queen," he whispers in my ear, the soft feel of his lips just grazing the shell of the flesh as the question rings within my mind.

I say nothing.

I jump though when I feel tongue replace lips.

I quickly back away from him, creating distance between our bodies as I raise my hand in defense.


He hisses, the sound abnormal and strange- causing bumps to rise on my flesh and my repressors to flash in heat upon my skin.

"Little Star, I can smell you. It is taking all of my control to not-," he cuts himself off as he inhales a deep ragged breath.

"I tried playing nice."

Before I can register it, he has me pinned down upon the floor, both his hands gripping my wrists above my head as he holds his body over my own.

The heat of his body above me, and the flames of the fire that lick into the room- have me sweating against the thin layered blue dress that I wore.

"No!" I yell out again, my mind racing at how fast he is going this time, as he rips the material off of me.

I kick away, "stop!"

He ignores me though and pauses, staring down.

I stop in my actions, looking up at him in horror as I realize his eyes are no longer red.

They are completely black.

And his teeth are no longer straight.

They are pointed at the tips now- showing his fangs.

It's only then that I recall this might actually be the first time he has seen me with no clothing. This is the first time he is taking me in.

"Ohhh," he lets out a soft, small, satisfied sound of appreciation as his eyes roam up and down.

And then he is back to pinning me down.

I struggle against him. But his strength. His power.

I feel tears start to form in my eyes as I accept with defeat that in this moment- he may win this battle.

His tongue comes out and traces the line of the repressors that are painted upon the skin of my stomach.

My back arches on my own as it goes further up to my chest.

Another soft moan leaves his mouth.

But I remain silent.

He would not hear me.

He would not have the satisfaction of knowing.

"So silent Little Star," he notes, his mouth finally releasing my flesh as his tongue trails down my navel, to my hips, curving up along the side of my stomach.

He brings one of my arms down from its hold, and takes my fingers, biting the middle one and slowly sucking on it before giving the same attention to the rest.

I'm glaring at him.

"Give in," he whispers.

My back arches again, my body the ultimate traitor as his hands let go and softly grab each breast.

He knew he had won.

He didn't hold me to the floor. He didn't fear me running away.

And the truth was- there was nowhere to run.

He pauses as he takes my hand and looks at the small stone that is hanging upon the braclet.

"Moon Stone," he whispers.

Something unknown flashes in his eyes.

My heart skips a beat as I watch him. He couldn't. He couldn't take it.

Jonaus had trusted me to keep his stone safe.

I would fight tooth and nail, to keep his Moon Stone safe.

But to my relief, the King does nothing to it.

He only gives it one last glance, before dropping my hand.

"Now to the good part," he whispers.

I wanted to remain silent.

I did.

But I could not stop the scream from leaving my mouth, as he sunk his fangs into my flesh again. 


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