37| DAYS

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It seems like days for me as I sit in front of the door.

I wonder idly, where Saint was.

If she was taking a momentary break, lying alone within the empty dark room of the girl's reaping. Or maybe she was not allowed a break.

Maybe she instead was pushed to someone else.

A guard, a lord.

Another demon who wore fangs and red eyes and took pleasure in pain and darkness.

It's not until, a day later, when I had blinked and sleep invaded me leaving a gap in my time, that I register Oceane's moans had become silent.

I sigh in relief.

Maybe they would trade off.

Maybe Saint, and she would take turns.

The thought sends a sick twist within my stomach.

I needed to do something.

But I didn't know how.

I'm curled in front of the fireplace when the door opens.

I sit up- my eyes trying to scan past the King and into the room to find Oceane.

I don't see her though.

"Little Star," he wears his signature cat-like grin as he walks towards me, "I've been thinking."

I step away from him.

His words remind me of that night within the open space as we stood under the toxic sky.

A dark King thinking was never a good thing.

He reaches for my arm, but I move away.


My words though, make his smile grow, "I still have her."

His statement has my body stiffening in horror.

I take a small step closer.

I feel hatred burst within me at the triumphant grin that displays on his face.

He drags me past his doorway and into his room.

I look around, taking in the rich dark colors. My sight stops upon the girl that is sitting, her knees curled upon the floor and head falling back as she gazes silently up.

I dare not say her name and draw any more attention to her.

Instead, I turn to him and cross my arms.

"It's all part of my plan," he whispers.

I stare at him in confusion. Confusion that is quickly replaced by horror as he closes the door and lets go of me, walking to Oceane.

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