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It overrules me as I feel his body press against mine.

"Why so silent?" He laughs. Like it's our own private joke.

I'm just glad he had the thought to throw Oceane within the other room.

I don't think I could bear it if he made her watch my shame.

I feel a power surface through me and suddenly my hand is glowing white.

The Moon.

Before I can press it on his face, his chest - anywhere- he has my wrist pinned above my head.

"I'm ready this time," he hisses, delight in his eyes at the thrill he finds in defending himself from me.

He looks at the next room and smiles, "Don't forget."

I feel anger course through me at how easy I am to manipulate.

What did it matter? I thought.

He was going to kill her anyway.

She wouldn't survive.

Only one girl could survive the King's reaping.

It wouldn't be Oceane.

The thought though only has my chest burning in pain.

My mind unable to wrap around a world that existed without those ocean eyes.

She was a weakness I had created in myself.

The Temple, if they ever heard back the story of how I tried- would shake their heads in disappointment.

We taught her to not love, they would say.

We taught her that she had no heart to give.

We taught her that an Arishia gave herself to her people.

She did not give herself to one person.

A fool.

We were all fools.

My dress is roughly pulled off, red eyes coveting my flesh as he sits up, straddling my hips.

The power I had felt surge into me is gone.

I don't feel much anymore.

Just acceptance of my failure.

"I won't bite you."

I feel disappointment in that.

I didn't want to remember this.

"It's all part of a plan."

Fear leaks into me.

What else was there to his plan?

Before I can ask though, his lips are on mine.

The edges of his fangs scrape against me, as his tongue pushes itself to taste my mouth.

"Better than I had imagined," he sighs.

A small noise of protest leaves me as he softly bites down on my lower lip, just puncturing enough of the flesh to produce a small drop.

He licks it away.

"Stars," he whispers.

He looks down at my body, the whole of it naked and uncovered for him to see.

He sits back up, taking off his own clothes before positioning himself on top.

I shudder at the feel of him.

"What do your symbols mean," he questions, his finger lazily trailing over by breasts- scraping at the sensitive buds and continuing down my stomach.

"That is the symbol of Asundra," I said, watching as he traced the lines for the Holy Mother upon my stomach.

"And this?"

He should know these symbols. They in themselves were obvious.

He takes my left breast, feeling it within his hand as he looks down at me smiling.

"The Moon."


His other hand connects to my right, both now upon my body, "The Sun."

Before I can react he flips me over, my back facing him as he presses himself to me.

He leans down, letting his hands cup each side of my ass as his nails dig into the flesh.

"And this?"

He is pressing himself against me, his lips moving along my ear as he continues to squeeze my flesh.

"It-it's fire."

"I like it," his nails scrape up my spine, tracing the vines of the ancient woods. 

"And this?"

"The earth."

I had no idea he could do this.

I thought it would be different. I thought he would not waste any time in getting what he wanted. He had waited long enough. He had laid out his plan perfectly, letting the months play out before this moment finally landed upon his lap.

But now that it was here, he was taking his time.

Basking in the glow of his victory.

I bite my lips, an effort to keep silent as he trails kisses down my back.

"Your arms?"

"The cuff of the Mother's warriors. The symbols for bravery, courage, and strength."

I feel ashamed saying them out loud because in this moment, I feel anything but.

He grabs my hair then, making me stand upon my knees as he presses my back against him.

He places a soft kiss on my shoulder- where his mark stained my body.

"And this?"

"The symbol of the darkest evil," I spit out, hatred lacing my words.

He laughs, the sound vibrating through me.

"Oh little star," I feel him press against me. Readying. I can tell it will happen any moment now. He had his fun. He was impatient.

"You have no idea," he whispers as he finally achieves what he wanted from the start. 

Sorry for the late update- I was on the road all day Friday and never had a chance to stop ♥

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Sorry for the late update- I was on the road all day Friday and never had a chance to stop

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