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I did not speak, returning the same silence as the blue-eyed man.

He pushed himself in the corner of the carriage, as far away from me as he could be. Yet he insisted to still be in the carriage with me. As if to prove to himself that he could last the ride and that my scent did not entice him in any way. That his moment of weakness had never happened.

I stared out at the landscape as it passed, absorbing my new surroundings.

It had been a long time since I last left the Mother's Temple. Most my life had been there. But I had not lived my whole life there. I still had flashes of what it was like to live away from its shelter.

No green could be seen to my eyes. As if the soul of the earth had been sucked away. Instead, red was everywhere.

Red dirt, red houses, red people.

They were caked in the mineral, no longer trying to scrub it off their skin. They had accepted that it was now- forever- a part of them. The Rottskin land.

I looked down at my own clean skin in contrast, and the white skin of the blue-eyed man.

He had his eyes closed, as if not wanting to see what the darkness had done to the land. I looked though.

I felt obligated to look. To see the life that was lead because of the oppression that had been ruled over. I looked to show them that I was, in some small way, there for them.

They did not look back.

Their eyes were perpetually down. Never to look up again.

How could anyone look at this and think it is right, I thought.

How the moon and sun, son and daughter to the Mother Asundra, must grieve for their suffering children below.

The man shifted in his seat. I glanced out of the corner of my eyes and saw him watching me.

"You are moon blessed also," he said.

No also. You are not moon blessed, I thought. Surely you must feel the lack of the moon's presence. Must feel the void within you for the actions and road you have decided to take.

Denial. I could see clearly, he was in denial.

I did not answer him. I would not argue with him.

He read my silence correctly in his assumption to tell that I already knew the truth.

"Tell me your name," he said.

"Arishia," I answered.

"That is not a name," he said, "that is a title."

A title given to me by the sacred moon herself.

"I gave up my name when I accepted my position. I am no longer that person."

"What was your former name then?" He asked.

I held my silence. I would not answer because I knew then that he would use the name I had cast off. A name I no longer was.

He waited for a while before realizing my silence was the only answer he would receive.

"I'm Jonaus."

I nodded towards Jonaus.

"You know where I am taking you, Arishia?"

I nodded again.

"Do you know why?"

Again, I nodded in answer.

"Do you mind if I ask... why did you volunteer?"

I looked at him then, "you didn't want me to, did you?"

Jonaus shook his head, confirming my thought. "You are...too valuable to be wasted in a place like this. I can already see your outcome Arishia. You barely made it to the carriage."

I stare at Jonaus, thinking maybe there was still some light left within him.

"I did not want them to point you out. I knew though, the moment you came into view, that there would be no possible way to look at another woman."

I tilted my head. Was this flattery?

"He will point you out."

I glanced out at the window.

"You mean the King?"

Jonaus nodded. "He will not miss you. You cannot blend in, not with those..." he looked up and down my body, taking in the many repressors that had been painted on.

"I have never met someone who was able to carry so many," Jonaus admitted to me.

"I am Arishia," I said, as if it were obvious.

"Yes," Jonaus said. We made eye contact for the first time since the ride. I kept my gaze, not backing down. He continued the battle, eyes leveled with mine. My soul won out though, as his eyes flickered away- not able to handle the amount of light they saw.

"It is my duty to protect someone who is moon blessed," Jonaus said.

I looked at him, startled inside. He did have some light left. No one who was consumed by the darkness would say such a thing. Interesting.

"I do not need your protection," I said.

"Even still Arishia," he said, eyes gazing out the window now, taking in the barren land ahead of him, "I feel it within me to take this duty upon myself. Know that you will have an extra set of eyes looking out for you at the Palace."

I did not answer. Instead I turned to the window, gazing in thought at the conversation that had just transpired. The castle was still a few hours ride away. I could feel the darkness consuming me and trying to get into my soul. It licked at my flesh, hungry for such innocent blood. I took a deep breath against the toxic air. I pictured my lungs, full of black substances and clenched my hands at the thought.

The carriage had some protective barriers around it. If it did not, I knew then that we would be overrun with them. As they searched and sought out for me.

Instead I was safe momentarily. For now. But step out and they would be upon me.

I ordered myself to keep my breathing even.

Moon, please watch over me, I prayed.

For the darkness is coming. And coming fast indeed.

 And coming fast indeed

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