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Another door opens.

This time it's not the one that leads to the hall.

This time it really is him.

He stands at the frame, those red eyes watching me.

I wonder if he has a color underneath red. Like Jonaus with his blue. What would it be?

I look at his black hair, and the small ringlet of curls that seem to frame his face well.

Maybe green. Or black.

We stare at each other in silence.

He shakes his head as he takes in my tears.

"Little Star, you baffle me."

I don't try to hide the falling drops.

We learned within the temple that each tear you shed within your life is collected in the Moon's pond. She would give it back to you at the end of your time- to show you that she was there with you in your sorrow.

So I don't wipe them away.

Because I wanted proof, when I saw her- that she really had been with me in this palace of nightmares.

He shakes his head and continues leaning against the frame, a beautiful picture of midnight, coated upon the walls.

"You never cried during the reaping. Or when I took you. Yet when it comes time to save a silly little girl, you act like the world has ended."

I don't want to respond to him that maybe, the world has.

Maybe the world has ended for me.

He raises an eyebrow though, as if he is guessing my thoughts.

"So...," he smiles at me, and I watch as those red eyes fall to my own picture of red.

"Shall I clean you little star?"

I narrow my eyes at him, "Haven't you learned your lesson?"

"What can I say....I like your punishments little Star."

He laughs at his own words. Then he finally has had enough.

He pushes himself off the wall, stalking closer to me.

"Don't even mention the damn flower," he growls. I don't look away from him as he leans in.

"I've had enough with everyone reminding me about your little magic trick."

"Did you feel the light within you?" I whisper.

He pauses. He's at the foot of the bed, his hands holding the golden frame, yet I've at least stopped his advancement.

"Yes. I felt it. But I felt other things too Little Star," his eyes glow wickedly as the red gleams against the candle light.

"Shall I make you feel those things?"

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