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It's something that I had been complimented on at the Temple.

My beauty.

I don't think that is it though.

I think, what attracts the eye, is how much my features stand out.

The white hair, blue eyes- and dark skin.

A startling contrast between such light colors. It's something though that I can't help. I was born this way.

The Temple had made sure, once they accepted me as Arishia, and even before that, when I had been blessed- that I received the ultimate care for my body.

Now though, I wish no such effort had been made upon it.

The repressors trail down, all over my skin. I still thought them beautiful.

I still liked the way they danced in and out- coming and showing me the symbols of the Moon, Sun and the Mother Asundra.

It was my own prayer, silently written into my body.

And it showed those who looked, that I held a divine spirit within me. I was Arishia.

I open the door and look up at Jonaus.

"How bad is the smell?"

The way he is looking away from me, and holding his breath- I don't need an answer.

"Jonaus..." Fear leaks into my voice. The King would not protect me if something were to happen. Maybe he would, but then again, he himself was a danger to my existence.

Jonaus could not help.

"Arishia...." Jonaus's eyes flicker up and down my body, "I...I wish, for your sake, you were not so beautiful."

I smile at that.

He leads me down the hall. I shiver at the exposure to my skin.

I did not believe in modestly. I always in some way, was showing my body to the world.

But not in this way. Not in the way that these clothes revealed them. A temptation. Seduction.

It had been pure, compared to now.

I try to walk rigidly- tried and failed to stop the sway of my hips.

And soon I heard them. The voices.

We stop in front of a door. I know this door. It leads to the throne room. Where that dark seat of power with the ruby red stone hung, suspended over the ruler's head.

"Jonaus..."I don't know what I can say.

He shakes his head, "Think of her. Think of the Moon."

I nod and slowly, as Jonaus opens the door, revealing the room of watchful red eyes, I follow his command and pray, Moon. Oh Moon. Please let me survive this night.

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