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I stare down, my mind blank as I look at the broken promise in front of me.

The room is shattered in silence.

I can barely register that I'm falling to my knees.

My face is unmoving.

Still caught within the stupor expression.

It's Saint's cry that brings me back to reality.


She falls to the floor with me, her hands reaching out and pulling the girl to her as she holds her neck in place.

"No, no, no," tears stain the beautiful lionesses face as she roars her sorrow into the room.

I'm still upon my knees, watching the sight, trying to register that the girl in front of me was, in fact, the same one.

Ocean blue eyes.

A panic claws into me, and soon my body is pushing Saint aside as my hand that is still whole reaches towards the face. The face.

Pushing back dark hair to reveal- ocean blue eyes.

Tears stain her now as they transfer from my cheeks to hers.


Saint screams the word out, choking her sorrow.

She turns to me, causing a gasp of pain to leave me as she grabs my injured arm, "Remember that day Arishia, that day when we sat in front of the fire?"

Her words are rushed. I feel a faint spark of recognition and suddenly my eyes are widening as I realize what she means, "No, Saint no you-,"

She pushes away from me and I see now something that she had been hiding all along within the folds of her dress.

A knife.

The King smiles when he sees it.

He was halfway down the steps, his arms spread as if he welcomed the attempt.


His smile falters though when he sees Saint turn to the other direction.

"What are-,"

It's too late though.

The room watches in shock. Another blow received.

Only this time it was the King that stood with his mouth open in horror.

As Saint sunk the tip of her knife, into Jonaus's chest. 


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