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The girls layed, scattered upon the floor as they cried their fear out.

In the middle was the body.

The body of the girl the King had left.

Jonaus had lead us to our side of the palace- avoiding my eyes the whole time as he shuffled us in, telling us this was now our home.

Our place of living.

The area was rich and filled with divine colors and lush furniture.

According to Jonaus, the King could not enter this part of the Palace.

So the girls laid there, and cried.

Because they had chosen to believe that they were safe.

For now.

I crawled closer to the body, taking in the lifeless form.

Her brown eyes stared up at nothing, her features slack and motionless.

Slowly I pulled her head to my lap, and began the process.

"Brakk rar kuir omd corrae rar kursr sieda rar kusrar omd vursacs rar vesr aeuir resrs ras rar muv dmuv mu voem ok aeui soda rar em aeuir orkk."

Over and over I chanted the ancient blessing to guide the girl's spirit safely to the Mother.

My blessing was cut off though with the harsh words of another.

"What the hell are you doing."

I looked up to meet the eyes of another girl. Her furious blue stared down at me, taking in my bowed head.

"I'm guiding her spirit to Asundra."

"You're practising the art of the light in the fucking Dark King's palace," Her screech grated against my soul, leaving me to reevaluate the girl.

"I am Arishia, it is my duty to-,"

"I don't give a crap to who you are- you'll make them come back and we'll all end up like her," she pointed down at the lifeless body that laid within my lap.

I regarded the girl with calm eyes.

Scared. She was just acting out because she was scared.

"Do not fear child I-,"

"I am no child," she hissed the words at me leaning in closer to make her threat more real to my ears.

I softly shake my head, ignoring her cries and continuing on with my blessings.

"Did you not hear me?!"

I ignore her.

Her frustrated scream is cut off though when I feel her nails dig into my arms.

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