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His words send panic through me.

I can't undo whatever plan I've set into motion.

I've fallen into another trap, one that I've set off myself this time.

I quickly dress, eyeing him wearily. Panic pulses, cold and hard through my body as he opens the door to the room I had been held in.


I race to the doorway, to see him grab Oceane from the bed.

She screams and kicks, her features startled awake as she takes in the monster standing above her.

"Don't," I'm racing towards them, my feet carrying me to the pair but before I can rip her away from his grip, he is holding her against him, staring at me. 


"Follow me, little star."

I step aside, my eyes wide as I take in Oceane's body that is trapped in his arms.

My eyes flicker to anything I can use, and I hear him sigh as he walks to the door, "Don't be dif-,"

Before he can finish I'm racing towards the fire.

I scream at the pain as I grab wood from the flames. I can't hurt her though.

I had to make sure not to hurt her.

I turn swiftly around and race towards him, throwing the flaming torch at him- my last desperate attempt but he is already upon me hissing in anger as he grabs the weapon from my hands and throws the wood back into the fire.

"You fool," he hisses.

"Run!" I scream the words at Oceane as I grab the King by the waist, but she doesn't move.

She stares at me, petrified.

I look at her in shocked disbelief as I feel the King laugh.

"Run? Where?"

He continues to laugh, even as he takes my hand and examines the burned flesh.

Tears are running down my face.

I had no idea the pain would be this horrific.

This horrible.

This consuming.

The repressors only make it worse as the steel bands tighten upon my fingers and wrists- clinging to the charred flesh.

"You fool," he whispers again, lightly tracing the black skin.

I wince at the dead nerves- how I cannot detect his light stroke- and feel myself shiver.

"Shock," he nods as he watches me, "I'm surprised you are not passing out from the pain Little star."

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